ryuu 005 ♠ light of mercy hurts my eyes

Dec 12, 2010 08:28

 Characters: Ryuu and Philip
Location: At the Agency
When: After this
Style: Any!
Status: Closed

Ryuu gritted his teeth and gripped the stairway railing, moving arthritically down, one stair at a time.  He fought to keep a firm grip to prevent himself from falling--it was maddening, this persistent lack of strength, and he fought it with everything he had, determined to at least get downstairs under his own power.  He had no more outward physical injuries--it was only his internal strength from the strain of the Twin Maximum that was still sapped, rendering him basically an invalid.  The thought made him snarl, and he tried to take the next few steps with one foot instead of both steadying him.  He felt his grip on the railing slip, and his foot slid out from under him as he pitched forward in what he was sure was going to be the most useless and ironic fatal injury on record, watching the rest of the stairs and the hard tiled Agency floor rushing up to meet him.  

terui ryuu, philip

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