ryuu 004 ♠ highway flares make red the streets

Dec 01, 2010 18:36

Characters: Ryuu, Philip, Muraki and Shoutarou
Location: Warehouse District
When: Just after this
Style: Any!
Status: Closed

Ryuu approached the edge of the warehouse district, his stomach churning and his face still pale.  He gripped Shoutarou's driver belt carefully, all of his senses stretching taut as he stopped, breathless, in the road and turned to Philip, his dark eyes wide and set.

"He should be somewhere around here, in one of these buildings," he said, his voice very slightly hoarse. He took a deep breath, and then clipped the belt swiftly around his waist before he could hesitate any longer, his whole body braced as he watched the accompanying belt materialize at Philip's hips as well.  "Let's go."  

kazutaka muraki, terui ryuu, philip, shoutarou hidari

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