Just to add to the chaos~

Dec 09, 2010 18:48

Characters: esthydear (as mark_of_hope ) & vatheon
Location: Wandering around town
Time: Sunset
Style: First Please~
Status: Open!!!

[Whelp! She was warned, this is true. How could one not realize with the amount of children running about the town earlier in the week? She had held out for as long as possible, but she had to touch the coral. She hadn't touched it for quite some time, so she was feeling very weak. She tried to hold out until the curse was over, but she couldn't make it on sheer determination alone.

So today she gave in, and now look where that has gotten her? About two feet shorter to be exact. As if being normally only five feet tall wasn't short enough. So have a tiny, little, red headed nun running frantically through the town. She appears to be quite scared, and not just because she has no clue where she is. But because the sun is quickly setting, and she doesn't want to be outside when it slips beyond the horizon for good and darkness takes the town by force.

So, maybe you are a lost child wandering around? Or maybe you are someone who has not been affected by the curse? Either way, have a little sister running, looking back behind her, and plowing right into you! ]

esther blanchett, !curse: sixteen, kamui

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