Try, Try Again

Dec 08, 2010 17:32

Characters: Kefka Palazzo (as beforemagitek ) and EVERYONE !!
Time: Early Evening
Style: Any
Status: OPEN

While he certainly hoped to make himself scarce for the remainder of the week, Kefka's restlessness won against his better judgment. Dressed from head to two in a long dark cloak, the moody fellow roamed along Vatheon's streets in search of the hideously powerful coral reef that governs the city. Three days have passed since he first awoken to find himself stripped of his powers, and Kefka was slowly losing his mind.

He could barely even recognize himself in the mirror anymore. Instead of being welcomed by the wonderful sight of Magitek and insanity, the crazed clown was greeted with the fresh face of a barely seventeen year old boy. Kefka nearly forgotten this part of his past, and everyday he spent dressed up as this bright-eyed youth was another painful reminder of what he lost. The regret he feels is foreign to him, an emotion that shouldn't exist. It's known fact that Kefka suffers from insanity, but what most people don't know is that he enjoys every second of his insanity.

Why? Well, playing the role of a complete whack job is fun! No worries about honor, morality, and all that icky boring stuff. The magical energy that flows through his veins caused his lunacy, but Kefka embraced his insanity with open arms. He rather that his mind be a fragmented shell of its former self, than a whole entity marred in regret and remorse. However, it seems that the Lamufao cares very little about what he wanted, and stripped him of both his powers and his morbid madness.

"There you are!" Kefka sneered once he found the shimmering coral reef. "This game ends now! I'm destroying you before you get the chance to destroy me!" Armed with only a simple dagger, the teen tried his hand at destroying the Great Lamufao. Now, after watching that one guy fail at maiming this thing, what the hell makes this kid think he can destroy it without his powers?

Ah, the smell of desperation!

kefka palazzo, locke cole, integra fairbrook wingates hellsing, axel, north italy (feliciano vargas)

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