Puzzle 01

Dec 03, 2010 12:00

Characters: Zexion and You!
Location: The Library
Time: Afternoon and into the evening
Style: Any; starting in third~
Status: Open

When he'd first found the library to the west of the Plaza, he'd entertained the idea that there had to be some form of books it might hold to help him on figuring the mystery of this place out. The caretaker of it was friendly enough, though he excused himself from her company in short order to wander among the books of the place.

It was several good long hours before he had covered the entire library inasmuch as he could before he finally sat himself down in one of the chairs it held with something of a disgusted expression and a brief dark look at the rows upon rows of books. While he's certain there might be some decent books in the midst of them all, they were all rather useless in the goal he'd held in coming here in the first place. The place held its secrets well, it gave the generosity shown a menacing touch.

There had to be a reason they were here, just as there had to be a reason the natives were so welcoming of them and sought to cater to their needs.

isa, zexion, selphie tilmitt, demyx, riku

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