SIX ♋ Sixth Night

Dec 02, 2010 21:23

Characters: Engine-kun Enjin Hiizumi and vatheon
Location: A rooftop of some really tall building, then the Plaza.
Time: Early evening; before fox_wench's intro, though~
Style: Starting in third, but first please!
Status: OPEN! Like your minds to his ears. <3 Speaking of which, permissions meme (version 2.0)! Learn it, love it.

Enjin oftentimes found himself unable to occupy his mind; boredom set in easily for the mischievous fox, and it was tough to cure. Frankly, he was tired of sitting around and waiting. So he figured with so many new faces lately? The best time to test his powers, if they were back fully or not, would be now. Which was what brought him out of his house for now and, of course, on the roofs of Vatheon's many buildings. The rooftops of Vatheon offered a nice view, and frankly, he might just have been looking for a certain kind of person with a certain brand of fun up here. Or what Enjin considered 'fun,' of course. Which, to anyone else, is questionable.

He leaped from rooftop to rooftop, simply exercising to relieve some boredom, and to simply get out. Stretching his legs was always nice (or was it Gin's legs? But did that really matter?), he paused briefly to get a good view of the rest of the city, all the while casting Mind Interference over the people nearby so he wasn't seen until he wanted to be. It was tiring, though, more than it probably should have been, or he might have cast it over the entire city. But not so tiring that he couldn't do anything more, of course--he knew better then to just waste precious energy (especially with his body not being one hundred percent his, just yet), after all. Setting off again, he continues the short evening rooftop flight, before he finally comes to a halt at his destination.

Which would be on a tall building's roof, right above the Plaza. He takes one step towards the edge, letting the Mind Interference down, visible once more, and... jumps off the building, just taking a casual dive, one arm to brace himself, but that was all.

Again, yes. He's done this before. It amuses him vaguely to see the reactions of normal people to someone jumping from a several story building, really. As a result of this little prank, he may or may not be poised to land directly in front of you. Once he's landed, Enjin simply says this:

"... Nothing's changed here, huh?" Nothing yet, anyway. All he needed was some non-humans around, you know? Youkai, to be specific. After a short pause, he grins. This place really had been affecting his powers. Sure, to some extent, they were still cut off. But he was fairly sure the rest of them were in working order, tuning aside. Well, there was only one way to know, right? Find some poor willing idiot to pick a fight with him, of course.

larxene, inuyasha, billy iketani, enjin hiizumi, riku, touka kishi, vanitas, nikola tesla, kagome higurashi

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