☆` tonight the fireflies dance.

Oct 25, 2010 00:04

Characters: Gracia and vatheon wandering about the city!
Location: Edge of the forest, then plaza.
Time: Late afternoon, nearing nightfall at the start of the curse for the week.
Style: Third, though I'll roll with anything :)

In which Halloween starts. )

!curse: thirteen, obi, gracia

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.....IT'LL BE GOOD FOR YOUR DIGESTION? D: kagayakashi October 25 2010, 16:48:24 UTC
Her cheery disposition returned instantaneously. "I am! I really miss being outside. And here, nobody's going to hurt you." Back home, there was never a quiet moment. Armies marching all around, soldiers patrolling...Nobody could sleep with both eyes closed. She was only lucky that she had Magoichi to keep an eye out for her whenever she slept soundly at night. In Vatheon however, there was no war. There was only a bubble that kept them alive and the occasional curse that turned them into walking play dolls.

Gracia stopped in her tracks and glanced back at her fairy, hovering about her like her own personal night light. It was glowing whites and greens, and as she pondered on the possibility that the fairies themselves orchestrated the changes, something else occurred to her too.

"Hey, you could be right! Maybe that's why they never leave us, and they don't talk to you even when you ask them something important." She places a slender finger under her chin in thought, and played around with another idea in her mind. She approached Obi once more.

"Now that I think about it, there might be something else to this curse that will make things difficult for us." With a straight-face, she added; "Is it alright if you take off your jacket for me?"


...YOU MEAN MAKE IT WORSE. ninjaservant October 25 2010, 17:00:01 UTC
Obi blinked in slight surprise. "Eh? My jacket?" he repeated a little confused. As he had at least another shirt underneath, it wasn't that bold of a question for her to ask him to remove his jacket, though it was still a bit of a surprise. He had also been wondering if he should have offered her his jacket once the air had turned chilly, which was another reason why it had caught him a little off guard, but this was far from a request like that; he could tell from her demeanor.

So as he began to remove an arm from one of the sleeves, he looked at her curiously. "I'm not sure I'm quite following."

[ooc: funny you should have her ask this, I just sent a comment to the mod post asking if this is possible xD I HAVE NO IDEA DO YOU?? /being as vague/open-ended in this tag as possible xD]


NU UH. WRY U LIE? :( kagayakashi October 25 2010, 17:07:32 UTC
She nodded in the affirmative and watched with a determined look in her eye. She's seen enough curses to know that it's not always that easy to weasel out of them. Now, if everyone's problem were the sudden change of wardrobe, wouldn't the answer to that question be simple? Take it off and put on your own clothes?

"If I'm right, you'll see what I mean." She'd volunteer for the task herself, but seeing as she's in a dress, it was rather difficult to show without showing anything else.

(OOC: W-WELL I imagine he can only take it off by the arms, but it'll get stuck as he tries to pass it through his wrists?! ;3; lmfao i....honestly don't know either lmao! /DUN DUN DUUUUN. WILL OBI BE ABLE TO REMOVE HIS JACKET?! FIND OUT IN THE NEXT TAG FOLKS.)


I'm a ninja. It just kind of happens :|a; ninjaservant October 25 2010, 19:55:25 UTC
That determined look...now he felt somewhat self-conscious, but he was already halfway taking off the jacket.

However, as he tried to pull his arm through the sleeve, he felt some odd resistance, as if something had gotten stuck on his shirt sleeve. There was a brief moment of puzzlement as he gave it harder tug, and soon his arm was free.

"...Well that was strange," he said as he held up the sleeve, peering at it before taking off the rest of the jacket. It seemed to come off easily enough that time. "For some reason it felt like the sleeve had gotten caught...maybe it was on one of the cuff links," he added as he held up his arm, inspecting the cuffs of his shirt.

[ooc: I HAS RESPONSE. Sort of /attacked Cal on AIM pft. But they can take off parts of their clothes, but like the innermost layer will stay stuck. If necessary, they can also take them off for short periods of times (like to take a shower or use the bathroom ahaha), but then the character will have the urge to put them back on and will.]


My sadface, do you see it. kagayakashi October 26 2010, 14:52:58 UTC
Every motion Obi made was observed with clarity. She had a hunch that something complicated the curse, and it seemed that she was right. Well, for the most part.

But then, he could be right too. It could have been the cuff links. She pondered on it some more and decided to take her little experiment farther.

"Could you take more off?" It sounded naughty, but for all purposes of research, Gracia didn't even think about what her inquiries could have implied to a random stranger walking past them. The things the girl did for answers.

[OOC: Lmfao, I see! I realized she could have just taken off her shoes or something to prove her point, but wow it flew over my head until today XD /fail lol.]


D: ninjaservant October 26 2010, 16:19:28 UTC
Obi was still pondering about the strange resistance he had felt while taking off the jacket before he heard Gracia's next request. The suddenness and the actual question itself made him literally jerk up in surprise, his arm crossing over in shock.

"I beg your pardon??" he managed to say. Are girls usually this forward!? Out in public no less. This was definitely not what he had expected.

[ooc: rotflmao NAH THIS IS MUCH MORE HYSTERICAL XD though I wish I had the actual icon for this alkjdfa /sob]


don't copy my sadface ksdgdh kagayakashi October 26 2010, 16:44:51 UTC
She approached him some more, with added vigor. Though he might mistake it for some other thing, Gracia still wasn't aware of her requests. Perhaps if there wasn't a curse, it'd occur to her that it was all a tad too passionate, but again. The things she did for answers.

"I promise you'll see what I mean when you take off your shirt! Or any clothing you have on, really. I'd do it myself, but um, I don't think it would be very right." Gracia let out a momentary chuckle, then turned her attentions back to Obi.



._. ninjaservant October 26 2010, 16:51:55 UTC
Yeah, Obi had no clue what this girl was thinking. "Uh, Miss Gracia--that kind of request--"

And then it occurred to him that perhaps she really wasn't thinking. It was obvious she wanted answers, but perhaps she wasn't realizing the situation. Whether the eyes he felt on them helped or not would be up to debate, but as he continued to take a step back away from her, he raised his arms in slight defense.

"--Don't you think that would be better in a more private setting?" he said as he glanced over at where a group of skeletons were currently standing, looking at them curiously.

[ooc: No it's from the manga. I have one where he's basically like that bottom right panel there XD Would have been perfect. AND SERIOUSLY GRACIA THIS IS LIKE AWKWARD BOAT TERRITORY NOW. DIDN'T REALIZE YOU LIKED HIM THAT MUCH.]


I WILL NOT FALTER kagayakashi October 26 2010, 17:07:19 UTC
She looked slightly lost at his suggestion. "Private setting? What do you mean? Why? Can't you do that here?"

Then it finally dawned on her. It wasn't so much the skeletons that suddenly appeared, staring at them with who knows what expression, or was it his comments. It was more of those comments put together with Obi's actions. How dense could she get? Gracia was practically asking him to remove his clothes out in the open! When it hit her, she abruptly covered her mouth and looked around in clear embarrassment, as if the pavement would somehow save her from mortification. Cheeks slightly flushed, she looked back at Obi, though was not quite able to meet him in the eye.

"You thought I wanted to...?"

[OOC: Oh god, you're right. Perfect expression XD I can imagine his eyes wider than that actually haha. SHE DOESN'T KNOW THE MEANING UNTIL YOU HIT HER FACE WITH A DICTIONARY OF AWKWARD AND PERSONAL SPACE. L-LOL ISN'T SHE SO SUBTLE.]


/puppy eyes ;3; ninjaservant October 26 2010, 17:22:21 UTC
Seeing that the girl had by now realized her actions -- and the reasons for his own hesitation -- Obi relaxed, lowering his arms as he tried to reassure her.

"Well, I wasn't quite sure what you wanted, honestly," he said with a small awkward laugh. "I didn't realize you were so bold." A small tease that would probably worsen her current disposition, but he really didn't mean that much harm by it.

"But what were you hoping to accomplish?" he asked as he leaned toward her, draping his jacket over his shoulders. Well he had it off and he didn't feel like putting it back on or carrying it around. It also looked like Gracia wanted the earth to rise up and swallow her up, so it might provide her some more ease. In some ways it was also to let her know that she didn't have to feel so embarrassed and that it was all right.

As awkward as the whole situation had been. Whether he was going to let her live this down was an entirely different matter.

[ooc: ISN'T IT. xD I've been needing that icon more and more lately actually blaaah. LJ you money sink /shakes fist as she continues to contemplate whether or not to get Obi of all people more icon space gah. SHE'S SO CUTE. ♥]


NEVEEEER kagayakashi October 26 2010, 17:54:27 UTC
His words only fueled her embarrassment more. She groaned into her hands as quietly as possible and tried to regain some of her lost composure. If Magoichi were there, he'd be laughing his butt off. She made a mental note to think about these things more, rather than blurting out awkward requests. Pal or no pal, you don't ask someone to remove their clothes, even if it was for an experiment!

Gracia finally replied, still a mite flushed.

"Well, I thought that we wouldn't be able to take our clothes off because of the curse. If we could, then it would be too easy to avoid the curse altogether, right? So, I asked you to...do that so that I could check. Ooh, Obi! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything by it." Genuine regret washed over her expression. What an impression she must have made.

Obi, have mercy!

[OOC: He has tons of awesome faces \o/ It'd be worth it, I gather ;3;d AH YES. LJ the money sink, indeed. /stares at all those .99 cents add-ons with horror. LMAO SHE FEELS SO DIRTY.]


...♥? ninjaservant October 26 2010, 18:04:22 UTC
Well, the jacket was excusable. After that, things just got a little awkward.

But after hearing her reasoning, he mused over it a bit. It would be far too easy if they could change out of their clothes, so she at least had a legitimate reason to ask. In a sense, anyway. Seeing her still embarrassed beyond belief, he gently gave her a pat on the head.

"It's all right, Miss Gracia. You had pure reasons." He could have added "or so I hope" but that was probably a bit much for her at the moment. Perhaps another time when they could look back on this and laugh about it. Or rather she could. He was already going to be laughing about this later.

"But it is an interesting question. If you want, I could duck inside a changing room and tell you." Or a tree. Actually, now that he knew the reasons, and being a guy, taking off his shirt was actually not that much of a issue for him. However, he was in the presence of a lady, and the situation was already bad enough as it is.

[ooc: he dooooes but I was going over my unfinished icons and of all the ones I chose out of the giant dump I had cropped, I only picked out less than 30 8|a; JUST WAIT UNTIL HE TELLS ZEN--]


....HNNGH. NOT THE HEARTBEAMS. kagayakashi October 26 2010, 18:15:24 UTC
"It still doesn't make it any less bad...Obi, I'll make it up to you, I promise." There was no stopping her now. Though he didn't seem all that offended, Gracia was now set on making sure she compensated for her lack of tact. If she was back home, she would have been grounded for her behavior for weeks on end.

"...You could do it at your home and tell me. I don't want to trouble you anymore than I have already." She tried to smile for him, but really. This was so awkward now. The heat crept up to her neck like a wildfire. She did her best to cover it up with a deep, calming breath, however. Soon enough, though that soon was a questionable amount of time at best, Gracia walked by his side again and was ready to take off once more.

[OOC: Maximize that space, baby! Lol, I can't wait to see what other icons he has xD; Shall she ask you to strip again?! LMFAO OH GOD, NO NOT ZEN. THEN THEY'D BOTH HAVE BAD IMPRESSIONS ON ONE ANOTHER: ZEN AS AN ABUSIVE FRIEND AND GRACIA AS.....WELL.]


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ninjaservant October 26 2010, 18:27:56 UTC
With his arms crossed behind his head, he just laughed. "It's fine! You were just in the heat of the moment. In some ways, that determination is rather admirable," he added with a smile.

"I really don't mind," It's not like I plan on fully undressing, "but if you insist." Seeing that she was ready to go and that she probably wanted to return home as soon as possible now, Obi would let his own curiosity be pushed off to the side and once more resumed his duty as an escort.

[ooc: fff I'LL TRY. I still have to color them, so whenever I have time xD ...oh gods /holds face in hands. OBI WILL START QUESTIONING HER MOTIVES. Speaking of which, they really need to meet xD Should we set up a log for it? no wait, even better. They should just randomly bump into each other. SOMEHOW. And then Obi can be spying from somewhere.]


THE LOVE. IT BURNS. kagayakashi October 27 2010, 15:12:11 UTC
"To be honest, I wouldn't mind either. But I think I've asked enough of you for one night." She shrugged slightly as she walked, the smile on her face reappearing. Subconsciously, she placed her hands on her shoulders. It'd take some time for her to get used to the feeling of having nothing covering your neck down to your collar, not when she's spent most of her life dressed in that sort of clothing. The lights that gave off a faint glow seemed now, more beautiful than strange, and Gracia started feeling a little better about the whole curse. Her shenanigans with Obi certainly made sure of that.

In the passing silence, Gracia thought of something to help her get a head start on making it up to her friend. She turned to him mid-step and started up another conversation.

"Obi, will we pass by your house before mine?"

[ooc: HER MOTIVES ARE NOTHING BUT PURE, I ASSURE YOU. LMAO. Yes! ♥ I completely agreeeeeee *_* OR we could set up a log having them randomly meet?! 8Dd]


8D ninjaservant October 27 2010, 15:19:28 UTC
Obi noticed the movement out of the corner of his eye, but didn't say anything. He only responded when she asked her question.

"Hm..." He took a moment to look around, gathering his bearings as they walked. "I believe if continue on this road, there should be another street that will lead to the apartment a few blocks down. So it's not too much further."

He then mused aloud, "I wonder if master has returned yet." He also had to wonder how Zen had reacted to the curse. Though he wanted to check on him, he first had to see Gracia home. It wouldn't take too long to make the return trip, and he was sure his master could take care of himself, anyway.

[ooc: UH HUH. SURE. ♥ WE TOTALLY COULD DO THAT 8D Whatever works best /o/]


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