☆` tonight the fireflies dance.

Oct 25, 2010 00:04

Characters: Gracia and vatheon wandering about the city!
Location: Edge of the forest, then plaza.
Time: Late afternoon, nearing nightfall at the start of the curse for the week.
Style: Third, though I'll roll with anything :)

In which Halloween starts. )

!curse: thirteen, obi, gracia

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kagayakashi October 25 2010, 04:29:19 UTC
"I'm sure if we ask the locals, they won't tell us what's going on either. I can't believe they didn't even notice that they were just bones! That can't be part of the curse too, could it?" She grasped at her wrists and looked around. The skeletons were just walking about like normal, despite the situation being anything but.

At the compliment however, Gracia looked up at Obi and smiled, a light blush highlighting her cheeks. To be honest, she felt rather pretty in what she wore. Back home, she was surrounded by beautiful and confident women. Needless to say, she didn't consider herself as one of them. As she wore the dress, her view on herself changed somewhat. Maybe the curse wasn't so bad? At least they weren't turning into men again!

"Thank you. That's kind of you to say." She took a step back and spent some time looking over at her companion. His was definitely formal, and yet it fit like a glove on him. She tilted her head to the side in some form of elation.

"You don't look so bad yourself, you know! You look so dignified and poised..." She didn't mean to sound so dreamy, but those were two things she wished she could feel and be herself.


ninjaservant October 25 2010, 04:43:44 UTC
"Probably," Obi sighed in agreement. Ah well, it only made things more interesting for him to try and find out, even if it may be impossible to find. "Though I haven't been here long, I can already tell it's probably part of it. It could be worse, you know." He gave her a cheeky grin here. "We could be the ones walking around as skeletons."

At her response, he just smiled in his usual easygoing, cheerful manner. "It's only the truth," he said easily. But then it was apparently his turn, though the process in getting there had made him feel slightly uneasy. Perhaps it was due to the fact that someone was observing him with such strange intensity.

He was about to speak when Gracia finally complimented him, and to that he could only stare for a moment at that dreamy expression before laughing. "Haha, thank you, Miss Gracia," he said, his previous unease vanishing as he relaxed once more. "I do work at a castle, so I suppose it just comes naturally."


kagayakashi October 25 2010, 04:50:27 UTC
She shuddered at the thought of being the ones walking around like that. "I think I'd prefer these clothes to being skeletons! And hey, they're all dressed up formally like us! Did you see?" She tugged on his sleeve slightly and motioned to the crowd of skeletons walking and laughing, passing them by. True enough, they were all dressed in a similar fashion. What a strange curse, indeed. But like Obi said; it could be worse.

A castle? She blinked. Were castles in his world different from the ones she knew of? They were fortifications built for defense and as a base for strategy and attack, but then again, that only applied during times of war. Usually, high-class samurai and daimyo lived in castles. She turned to him again, this time with a rather excited yet ever-curious expression.

"You work in a castle? As a ninja retainer to your master? Wow! Are you a general?"


ninjaservant October 25 2010, 04:57:08 UTC
"I have to agree," he chuckled before he felt the tug and leaned in a bit to look in the direction she was motioning. "...Huh, you're right. This truly is a strange curse..." Something he would definitely have to try and look into.

He was about to ask her if they should try talking to them anyway when he glanced at her and saw that rather peculiar expression on her face and heard her questions. A bit bewildered, he couldn't help but laugh again as he straightened, a hand resting on his hip as he waved a hand. "Haha, no no, definitely not a general. I'm more like a messenger. But I do have a few other roles, being my master's retainer as one of them."


kagayakashi October 25 2010, 05:12:20 UTC
Gracia enjoyed finding out these things about other people's homes and worlds, so naturally she was drawn to the stories she hears from Obi. She found an empty bench that was lighted by those jellyfish bats that suddenly appeared, and walked slowly towards it without keeping her gaze off of his.

"Your master sounds very prestigious." She found the bench and carefully sat on it, attention still on Obi. "What else do you do for him?"


...I like how I have Obi bashing on Zen in one thread and probably do more damage here xD ninjaservant October 25 2010, 05:21:35 UTC
He followed her, staying close since he wasn't sure what else this world could have brought with the curse. He had heard of the zombie mermaids, and while those bats and the skeleton seemed peaceful enough, who knew what other surprises could be lurking ready to pop out. Especially with this ominous air. So while Gracia sat, he just stood near her instead.

"Sounds is the right word," he grinned. "He acts more like an everyday commoner when he's not busy with his own official duties."

"What else? Ah, other than the odd jobs here and there, I've been currently sent to be a bodyguard for his young mistress." Slight exaggeration on the part of calling Shirayuki as Zen's "mistress" but they were close enough by now. "He's rather fond of her, and it seems he trusts me enough for it."


Lmfao, the damage will be tripled when they actually meet XD "WRY U ABUSE MY PAL OBI SO MUCH? D:<" kagayakashi October 25 2010, 05:30:46 UTC
She was thankful beyond words for his company. She wasn't sure if she enjoyed traveling out at night alone, during a cursed week. The atmosphere was just too scary, and she wished she knew why. Was it just her? Or did everybody else feel the chill too?

Gracia nods. "I understand now. Your master is the prince you spoke of." Why else would it be so shocking for him to act like a commoner? She hoped she was piecing things together right.

She bites her lip and the frown returns to her face. When she looks back at Obi again, her gaze is rather hardened.

"If you're protecting his mistress, then maybe he shouldn't be so hard on you. I don't understand why he'd do all those horrible things to you when you're loyal to him!" She recalled all those things he told her about Zen. For a prince, he seemed slightly...disrespectful to his trusty servant. And said trusty servant was her pal too. That didn't click very well with Gracia. Not at all.


SORRY ZEN, OBI WAS JUST THAT BORED. HE REALLY LOVES YOU. ninjaservant October 25 2010, 05:40:03 UTC
Inside, Obi was feeling some guilt. Some. But it wasn't for Zen. It was for Gracia once she figures out he had been lying to her this whole time. Not that he originally intended to do so, he just never imagined she would have taken him so seriously from before. So he contemplates for a few moments on whether or not to somehow rectify the situation before it became worse.

"Hm, you may right, Miss Gracia," he said, "but it hasn't been all too bad. He does have his few redeeming points." A small, sly smile slowly formed on his lips, though he was careful to let the shadows hide it. "I'd hate to ask this of you, especially since we've only recently met, but perhaps you could talk to him for me? I think you may be far more persuasive than I could ever be."

Or he could potentially make it worse. That works, too.


SOME WAY TO SHOW LOVE, AMIRITE? kagayakashi October 25 2010, 05:53:18 UTC
She smooths out the creases in her gown and looks up at the lights that shine above them. "It's still not right that he doesn't treat you the way a pal should be treated. Prince or not, friends should care for one another." She crosses her arms and, well. Doesn't really find that much in his expression to tell her that he was only kidding. The sly smile went over her head too.

Her creased brow softens considerably and she stares at him, not long before the determination in her eyes becomes evident.

"No, of course not! It's alright with me. I'll do it. Somebody needs to stand up for you!"

Gracia makes a fist and pointedly raises it as if to make a point. The moment she met this Zen, she'd make sure to have a few words for him on how to treat his servants better. No, scratch that; how to treat his friends better.


SRSLY. ninjaservant October 25 2010, 06:03:35 UTC
For a moment, Obi wondered if perhaps he pushed this prank a little too far.

But it was only for a moment.

Part of it was because he was both amused and a bit confused as to why this girl would go that far for someone she barely knew. Perhaps she would do the same to any stranger, but it was still peculiar. Once again he was reminded of yet another redhead, and had to wonder if this was just a common trait of all girls who had that color hair.

So he gently placed his hand over her fist, lowering it as he gave a small laugh. "Thanks, Miss Gracia, though you don't have to go that far, especially for someone like me" he said. As fun as this was, he didn't want to have his master injured because of this little prank.


ZEN, MAKE OBI DO MORE MISSIONS SO HE'LL STOP BEING BORED kagayakashi October 25 2010, 11:22:48 UTC
This was natural to her, believe it or not. Magoichi taught her that putting her life on the line for people she considered friends was the very foundation of said relationship, so small things like a favor was nothing. Perhaps she was rash when it came to, but Gracia remains to be a person anyone could befriend with ease. Ease. Obi, of course, is not exempt. Already, she's considered him a friend. There was no reason not to, after all.

She looked at her fist and laughed. "Oh, I won't hurt him!" Her expression changed abruptly. "...Unless you wanted me to?"

Needless to say, Gracia had a semi-difficult time decoding Obi.


WHAT NO I DON'T WANT MORE WORK D8 ninjaservant October 25 2010, 14:47:10 UTC
Obi just laughed. "You truly a strange young woman, Miss Grace," he said, though his voice was not unkind.

But at that moment he felt a brisk wind, and had noticed that the late evening was turning darker, making the bat winged jellyfish seem to glow every brighter. If it weren't for the unusual circumstances, one could say it provided a nice, calming atmosphere. Though he did not mind her company, it was better to be cautious.

So not wanting to risk any further danger from the curse, he turned back to Gracia and said, "It's getting late. I can escort you home."

Well it was the only natural thing to do. He would rather be sure she arrived home safely, especially after witnessing her reaction to the skeletons from before.


BUT IT'S GOOD EXERCISE 8Dd kagayakashi October 25 2010, 15:24:22 UTC
"I am? Um, thank you?" She laughed with him. Maybe she took it all too literally?

The change in wind and the overcast darkness (darker than usual, she mused) did not go unnoticed. While it was somewhat proven that the skeletons didn't mean any malice towards them, seeing them out in such an eerie night would be enough to frighten her out of her shoes. She nodded and stood, walking by his side.

"Thank you. I'm sorry. If I was a lot braver, I'd be able to go home on my own." Gracia subtly rubs the back of her neck in quiet embarrassment.


PASS 8| ninjaservant October 25 2010, 15:58:42 UTC
Perhaps, but that was probably one of the reasons it made her interesting.

"It's not a problem at all," he just said with a grin. "Even I'd feel a bit wary walking alone by myself." A slight lie. While he would feel a little creeped out by the walking skeletons, he wouldn't be so adverse to roaming around on his own. In fact that was probably what he was going to do once he escorted Gracia back home.

But until then, and to keep the atmosphere more comfortable and less awkward for her, he continued talking. "What were you doing before I found you?"


YOU'LL HAVE A BETTER HEART kagayakashi October 25 2010, 16:19:33 UTC
"I live in the Phanga Neighborhood. The 12th house at Olie Street." They were a little far off, but she's walked around the area bridging them together to know it wouldn't take as long as it looked. The city was indeed a frightening thing to behold, with still some skeletons passing them by, holding lanterns and rushing back to their homes. And yet at the same time, Gracia found it fascinating to experience. It was like a festival, despite all the gloom and creepiness.

She replied as she walked, a nice calm pace leading their way. "I went to the forest to find a good camping spot for us. I took a nap, and then when I woke up, I was dressed in these." Gracia's hand raised the top of the skirt slightly. She chuckled.

"I even tried to find my old clothes in the forest. I wonder how they're able to do all of these changes to us without anyone noticing?"


"Ah, so the lower district," he mused aloud, already preparing a mental map in his head. "Master and I live in one of the apartments in the middle district. Vita apartments. It's a bit different than what we're used to. They're like the inns back home, but still what a strange set-up." And also a bit cramped, but that's what the trees outside were for when he needed to stretch his legs. Needless to say, he never stayed at the apartment for long.

Upon hearing that she had been scouting out for a camping spot, Obi had to laugh. "You're really looking forward to that trip, aren't you?" he said. "Though I wonder how that's going to work now that we're stuck like, well this," he gestured to their clothing. "But you raise a good question. Maybe it's the work of these little fairies."

He tended to forget they were there.


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