Another quiz stolen from my hot boy... *wink wink* you know who you is!

Nov 10, 2004 14:38

1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection: Britney Spears (i cant fucking help it her music is catchy!) and the techno clubby shite (sometimes i wanna feel like im rollin!)
2. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night: Apples.
3. How much money would it take to give up the Internet for one year: 21million dollars... not b/c i would miss the internet but b/c i want that much and that would be an easy way to get it.
4. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie: Dancer in the Dark, ill cry like a baby.
5. Do you have a completely irrational fear: OLD PEOPLE! i'm terrified of old people, i dont even want to think about it!
6. What is a physical habit that gives away your insecure moments: i have no earthly idea. Maybe i pick at scabs and what not.
7. Do you know anyone famous?: no but that would be cool though.
8. Describe your bed: not the best bed in the world but i love my Tommy Hilfiger comforter! *shut the fuck up keith*
9. Do you know how to play poker: yes
10. What do you carry with you at all times: my cell phone.
11. What do you miss most about being little: being careless, and playing all the cool games... and just about everything!
12. Are you happy with your given name: no not really, it doesnt match my looks i need something a degree or so hotter.
13. What color is your bedroom: crack house white.
14. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person: yeah but some people dissagree with that. It's b/c im blunt and people cant handle it.
15. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends: my bf.
16. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't: You can do anything if you put your mind to it!
17. What is your ideal marriage location: Italy
18. What's one instrument you wish you could play: the diggery doo (for meghan and for my love of australia)
19. Something you love and hate: money
20. What's one language you want to learn: Italian
21. What do you order at a bar: Corona.
22. Have you ever pierced your body parts: No i dont want something to fall off.
23. Do you drive stick: no ... :(
24. What's one trait you hate in a person: When they think they are better then everyone else... and have the need to constently show off, to make up for their lake of self worth and the fact that their life sucks
25. What kind of watch do you wear: my cellphone is my time piece.
26. Do you consider yourself materialistic: It depends, if i had money i would be greedy, but i dont really like people buying me too much stuff cuz then it looks like a hand out.
27. Favorite writing instrument: paint brush, or anything of that nature.
28. Do you prefer to blend in or stand out: i prefer to stand out but only enough to get noticed. standing out too much is awfull. I like to take fads and put my own spin on it. Thats why im hot and your not!
29. Do you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex: uh no.
30. What is one car you will never buy: anything that looks really old, ghetto, or is as big as a boat.
31. If you won the lottery, what would you do: buy a mansion, buy an aston martin, buy 2 sybirian huskeys and invest the rest.
32. Burial or cremation: i want to be buried and have a huge funeral, but when the funeral is over i want to be dug up and cremated and mixed with this special cement that they make artificial coral reefs with and be placed in the pretties location in the sea possible. So i will be in the place i love the most as a huge coral reef.
33. If you don't like a person, how do you show it: it depends on how much i hate you. If im just like eww youre stupid then i just ignore you all together. If i disslike you ill make it known that i cant stand you. If i hate you and want then thats when im real evil, b/c ill still act like i like you but at the same time ill make you life a living hell by finding way to sabatage everything you do and bassically destroy your life.... :)
34. What kind of first impression do you think you give people: i thought it was quiet but i was recently informed that i give off the impression that im very negative... which i dont agree with. I'm very fun.
35. How many drinks before you're tipsy: 6 beers gets me buzzed. but liquor gets me there a whole lot quicker maybe like 4-5 drinks. 7-10 shots.
36. Have you ever done any illegal drugs: only the mary jane.
37. Do you think you're cute: some people think im cute... like girls, but most guys that like me think im hot... but thats what im told... in my own opinion i dont think im all that great, i just think im attractive and have a completely different look then the conventional attractive male.
38. Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of your friends: not really i got over that in gym class in high school, there's no better time to see your friends strip down to there undies... mmmm memories!
39. Whats the most painful experience you've ever had (emotionally and/or physically): Emotionaly, probably takeing John to the bus station on his last day here that was hard. Physically, when i was a wee lad i got bite by a cat that had rabies and i had to go to the hospital and get hundereds of shots all over my body and i was in the hospital for a week it was awfull, but i still love cats.
40. Favorite communication method: probably body language... its sexy.
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