Feb 17, 2013 12:01
- Sat, 13:37: Omg the korean restaurant I am lunching at were playing @ IBGDRGN 's.crayons and it took me a while to notice. Omo
- Sat, 13:38: Damn typo I meant crayon
- Sat, 13:41: "@ YoshikiOfficial: X" #wearex
- Sat, 16:20: Lunch was satisfyingly light. I didn't overeat. Too bad the LCLY Indian family next to me had awful attitude. Fussy rich snobs they were.
- Sat, 16:22: Also had my head confused from two tables of Chinese. One had a group of hk/malaysians speaking Cantonese loudly the other 2 China girls.
- Sat, 16:23: One of the China girls get going on and on about Chinese people. Zhongguoren this, zhongguoren that.
- Sat, 16:25: Was going to visit Harvey Nichols to check their boy London clothing but will leave that till next week.
- Sat, 16:27: Need to arrange a free day to go to other g-dragon/kpop styled shops...
- Sat, 17:37: Looks like I can write another restaurant review soon. W00t
- Sat, 17:42: Artbox's stationery is so cute and bright. Not sure if I want to spend money on their stuff though. Too precious.
- Sat, 17:44: Photo: nehaballet3: Born to die. by carocuixiao featuring vintage sunglasses ❤ liked on Polyvore Sleeveless... http://t.co/e4hdZ1J7
- Sat, 17:48: Photo: lisabritney29: yay #GIYONGCHY (OvO)♫ #BigBang #fashion http://t.co/ifFL1szc
- Sat, 17:50: Photo: wildandold: 有vip陸續喺YG見到TOP、 太陽、勝利、大成、2ne1等〜〜除了權志龍〜〜點解我上次一個都見唔到=.= #gdragon #jiyong #kwonjiyong... http://t.co/f585hC3z
- Sat, 18:07: @ the_overtones Timmy hope you've had a great birthday today
- Sat, 18:09: http://t.co/o8QUiW5Y #suju #superjunior So cute :)
- Sat, 18:09: Tweet 29000 hello to you
- Sat, 20:00: I should really try wearing a Cheongsam one day because I'm Chinese but I do not have an hourglass shape so it would be pointless.
- Sat, 20:01: I guess the loose shirt and trouser version is ok...then I can pretend I know Kung Fu. Oh wait...better not. Stereotyping.
- Sat, 20:01: I've worn a Kimono and Yukata. Both comfy. Will try Korean Hanbok one day.
- Sat, 21:26: If #superjunior do come to London...oh dear what do I do? I haven't got a job, I have to rely on JSA and need to job hunt. OTL
- Sat, 22:41: Caught @ the_overtones on Bliss TV this evening. Nice way to mellow out this Saturday. I've been so tired and stressed.
- Sat, 22:44: The Nine Muses documentary on BBC News was very interesting. I gathered beforehand that the idol wasn't all glam and it was demanding.
- Sat, 22:45: What the Kdrama Over The Rainbow portrayed wasn't too wrong now was it?
- Sat, 22:49: GD looks like a fairy/forest creature with the flowers around his head. I don't know how to explain it ^_^;; He does look gorgeous
- Sat, 23:35: Watching #bigbang 's Intimate Note episodes inspired me to blog about my 'socialising' camps with certain age groups. Will post it soon
- Sat, 23:36: Fandom does get me into trouble IRL (ugh f*ck you work and damn it to family drama) but it makes me write personal topics out.
- Sun, 00:21: Will try to get some blogging done tomorrow. It's frustrating when you want to do writing but you have to do other things like housework
- Sun, 00:22: I don't agree with having maids around...but with situations like this...I'm tempted to hire one to help me out. Or even a butler
- Sun, 10:21: I bet SuJu will come to London and it'll be the same price range as BB. Would there be VIP packages too? That might make it worse...
- Sun, 10:22: ...worse for my bank account. Considering I just got kicked out of a job from a co I was temping in for 5 yrs. I'm in deep shit.
- Sun, 10:30: Was watching a bit of BB's 2007 live concert. Hoho Taeyang quickly winked at the crowd/the camera in Ma Girl. Cheeky
- Sun, 11:35: RT @ YoshikiOfficial: This Golden Globe theme song changes keys 8 times! http://t.co/K7suPlnT Hope you like it! このゴールデングローブの曲は8回転調する..!
- Sun, 11:38: Bloody hell I hate getting tense when I'm waiting for a gig's date. It's not nice. I'm still waiting for GD to come back...if he does.
- Sun, 11:38: I think I need to hide myself in plushies and hide from people D: