Time for the holliday incorhearent rant part one

Dec 21, 2006 02:02

Well i will start where i left off with the office party cruse type thing well the foor was from high class french restaurant so it was good all kinds of fancy stuff that i wish i could pernounce let alone spell and i met some really important types ( again) and they knew who i was !!!! not sure that is a good thing or a bad one . but any way it was fun to see every one get really drunk on a rocking boat , in short, fat people falling down is a joyfull and festive sight .
then i wondered the city till my buzz wore off then i went home and then i went right back to the city to meet up with chris and some of the new crew i got new anime which is cool thanks .
then i went home and went to bed ( still had a big head ake ) then i got to talk to ryn which gave me smiles and i went to sleep happy ^^

now for today , i got to the office around 11 and the place was empty even my receptionist was out so i had alot of free time so i made out christmasss cards for the people i knew in the office most of them were people from summer camp and from years back , i am suprised by the number of people i know at the office , and even more weirder is that i am getting a whole shit ton of chrismass cards from people i do not even know in the office most of them work for me in some way i think a few of them called me boss !!! shit am i peoples boss ?? i have to look into that .
It amazes me on how out of the loop i am with these things , i mean i just got the employees hand book last week !!!! i know alot of people do not like me because of how i just appeared into this exective position , but come on at least let me know my rights in the office , bah
o yeah great news i got the 27 28 29 th off !!!!!!!!!! yay this is awsome but in a weird way it sucks because steve has planed a moutain climbing trip on the 28 29 and 30 just in case things go bad
, and in our case things allways go bad and it is slide moutain one of the higest peaks around and the most tricky , i think i am getting old or smart because i do not want to go on this crazy trip i want to spend time with the people who are important to me and i have a great girlfriend and great friends and a great family , i am not saying that steve is not my friend , he is one of my best friends we have saved each others lives too many times to count but i would rather do a non EXTREEM CLIMB , where there is a 65% chance of considerable frost bite and minor hypothermia and that is just getting to base camp !!!! and just do a nice 10 or 20 miler hike threw some new terrain and kick back a few beers around the fire looking at the stars and bull shitting about life .
It does kind of bother me that i did not get to summit because the weather got bad , but it does not mean that i want to do it again
So yeah this vacation i am just going to enjoy my self , i mean i have it all , a great job , a great girl ,and great friends , i have no complaintes , i am happy ^^
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