How to create a angry mob .

Dec 18, 2006 01:09

Step one : mess up the press relices for some of the local newspapers
Step two : have a shouting match on the phone with ABC news
Step three: (and this is an important one ) piss off the Bishop
Step four : (the final crem del la crem ) do not show up to the event

yep that is a sure fire way to get a whole neghiborhood lighting tourches and sharpining pitch forks .

Now for something completely different ...
Tonight i am helping out the troop with the toys for tots donations , not money but the toys them selves it is one of the most rewarding times of the year for me , i am glad that i can help out these poor kids it puts a smile on my face and it is a nice thing to look forward too after doing damage control all day and damn there is alot of that , but i digress and i am going to dissappear for a nice read in the comic shop for a while .
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