Iran | 1950-1960

Oct 07, 2012 23:59

Originally posted by shattenbereich at Iran | 1950-1960

Muhammad Reza Pahlavi the Shah of Iran poses with his second wife Queen Soraya, 1962

A newly-wed couple in Iran, 1960

Empress Farah Pahlavi of Iran, 1961

Two traditional folk dancers performing in Teheran, Iran, 1961

American first lady, Jackie Kennedy, introduces her son, John Kennedy Jr. to Farah, Empress Of Persia in the grounds of the White House, 1962

Reza, Crown Prince of Iran (right), sitting comfortably a gala parade to mark his fourth birthday at the Amjadieh Stadium, Tehran, with his mother Queen Farah Dibah, 1963

Miss Chirine Tahmassab, Iran's first woman foreign diplomat, 1967

Muhammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran wearing the Pahlavi crown in procession through Golestan Palace after his coronation in Teheran, 1967

Princess Soraya Esfandiary Bakhtiari, the Empress of Iran and wife of Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, 1950

Two men perform the customary handwashing ceremony at a traditional Muslim wedding in the Mazanderan province of Iran, 1950

A peasant woman roasts a joint of meat in the Muslim manner, in the Mazanderan province of northern Iran, 1951

A woman taking off her shoes and leaving them with a pile of others at the entrance to the former Shah of Persia's Mausoleum which is guarded by soldiers, 1952

Two actors from a production of Oscar Wilde's play, “Lady Windemere's Fan” talk back-stage at the Theatre Saadi in Tehran, 1950

A young Iranian boy learning how to write on a blackboard, 1951

Princess Fatima of Persia and her bridegroom, American University graduate, Vincent Les Hillyer, at their Muslim wedding ceremony at the Persian Embassy in Paris.
On the right is American film actress and dancer Rita Hayworth, Princess Aly Khan, 1950

A Khan or feudal lord of a province lifts the veil from the face of a muslim bride in a village wedding ceremony. Her groom sits beside her with lit candles symbolising life, 1952

A street stall in Teheran selling bowls of steaming soup, 1951

Standing on a rooftop a muezzin is calling the faithful to prayer. Behind him rises a minaret, 1952

A girl student at a vocational training school for seamstresses studies the theoretical aspects of her work. This is one of the first schools for girls founded by the government in Teheran, 1950

Official Iranian government newspapers lead with a cover denouncing the encroachment of Russia's influence in Iran. In this newspaper a red-starred hand is shown reaching over the northern border mountains of Iran into the mosques of the nation, 1952

An Iranian oil worker in an arid landscape, an oil tank in the distance, sits enjoying the labourer's staple diet of bread and tea, 1954

The Shah of Iran and his wife Queen Soraya Esfandiari Bakhtiari with Sir Winston Churchill leaving No 10 Downing Street, 1954

An Iranian smokes a Persian hookah or water pipe on the pavement in Isafahan. The pipe is hired by a specialist merchant for single use, 1955

Oil drilling taking place in Iran, 1955

A railway engineer resting for a cigarette at Zagheh in the Luristan mountains of West Central Persia, 1955

The Melli bank which is the centre of foreign commerce in Teheran, Persia. The architecture is modern though the relief figures on the front are of ancient Persians, 1955

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