Oct 28, 2006 08:06
Perhaps its a "cultural" thing. Thats what my polite, non-desi colleagues would say. Errr .... no it isnt !!
Why cant people stop their chatter at the theatre ??? pseudo-smart comments and painfully obvious jokes. And the worst - complaints about the songs/drama/scenes in Hindi movies (What do these people expect when they walk in ? They complain about their wasted $10 and go ahead and waste mine.)!! No, it isnt charming, or interesting or anything else positive. They make my blood boil. When Hindi movies in the theatres here were a novelty, the crowd was well behaved. Now its popular and offlate I have begun to notice this disturbing trend. These same people will watch a Hollywood movie in pin drop silence, but somehow the rules are relaxed when there are Indian actors on screen. I have changed seats on 3 occasions, and asked people to pipe down many many times. I must be famous now ..... the crazy lady who is always turning around, asking people to be softer. I should be saying "shut up" ...... sigh, my upbringing will not allow it. The way this is getting on my nerves, maybe soon I will.
I wish the theatre would give us individual earphones with adjustable volume. That would solve most of my issues. The couple bouncing their bonny baby on their knees in the seats ahead of me will still block my view, but maybe I can ignore them if I cannot hear them. Pah!
Looks like I have to choose. The people who take the trouble to stand in line for 2-3 hours before the opening show seem to be more considerate towards their fellow viewers. Catching this show also means fighting for seats if you are not one of the first few in the line. The later shows are easier to get into, but now there is the talking and the babies. To be fair, babies only fuss intermittently .... I once sat next to a 4 year old and her grand mother. the grandmother entertained the little girl throughout .... answering her incessant questions and pointing out various articles on the screen that were of interest to her (isnt that a pretty sari gudiya ? Yes blue, green, yellow .... so nice na ?). From now on, for my own sanity, I will wrestle the first-day-first-show mob. Sigh.