Free State Project's 2009
Porcupine Freedom Festival has come to a close. It was another record shattering event. The last incomplete data I had indicated right at 500 registrations. I saw a number of people walking around without name tags (likely unregistered), and talked to several who said they never registered. Maybe there were 600 attendees this year? I suppose we'll never know exactly but we do know it was the biggest Porc Fest ever.
One pleasantly surprising moment came at the opening ceremony, attended by maybe 150 people or so, when Jason Sorens asked the audience how many were coming to Porc Fest for the first time. At least half of the crowd raised their hands! That explained why there were so many people there I didn't know. It was exciting to see all the new faces and get to meet many of them. Apologies to those I missed and those whose names I've now forgotten. I'm sure we'll meet again.
I spent a chunk of the event talking, meeting, planning, and otherwise working on Free State Project related projects. One of my major accomplishments for the weekend was to, for the first time ever, have the dates, locations, and leadership selected for both the next Liberty Forum and the next Porc Fest prior to the end of this Porc Fest. We're not announcing the Liberty Forum Details yet, but I'll give out the Porc Fest details at the end of this blog.
There were a lot of things I missed out on because I just couldn't be in multiple places at the same time. I did get to enjoy a couple of sit-ins with
Free Talk Live, a few minutes in MARV with the
Motorhome Diaries crew (look for my signature in the 'sacred' space ahead of the line up by Ron Paul, ;), a few moments with Catherine Bleish from the
Liberty Restoration Project, about the first half of
Rep. Dan Itse's States Rights session, a little scheming (more on that later) with
Campaign For Liberty's Allison Gibbs, a few minutes here and there with all 4 of the early-moving Free State Project Participants who are elected to the NH State House of Representatives, a couple waves hello to Matt Simon of
NH Compassion (Matt, wish we had more time to chat!), and some great social time with the One-pot Cook-off (congrats Eve, Steve, Jen and all the rest of the chefs... great food!) and the Porcupine Olympics (thanks Margot and Brad... next time let's video the Presidential Powerslide, eh?).
In other words, it was great!
I opened the closing ceremony with some updates on what the Free State Project has been doing and has planned for the future. I also shared some thoughts relating to a contrast in paradigms. On the one hand, there is the paradigm of obedience v.s. disobedience, or conformity v.s. rebellion. On the other, there is the paradigm of good v.s. evil, right v.s. wrong, or vice v.s. virtue. I wanted to remind both myself and others that disobedience or rebellion can be acceptable, even sometimes morally imperative. On the other hand, it is foolish to rebel against good, and we should be careful not to do that.
Having encouraged the audience to exercise discernment in rebellion and focus on the good, it was a pleasure to introduce and hear
Sam Dodson deliver the closing speech. While Sam and I live in the same town, we had not met prior to Porc Fest (primarily due to my travel schedule). Having learned of his reputation and having heard his
call in to Fox's Freedom Watch, hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano, I was optimistic about what he'd present. He well exceeded my expectations and, in one of those fun, uncoordinated, maybe divinely-inspired moments, served as an example of the discerning, calculated civil disobedience I spoke of only minutes before. Thanks Sam!
Finally, at the closing ceremony, I did announce the dates and location for next year's Porc Fest. It will be at Roger's Campground again, June 24th - 27th, 2010. The FSP's reservation system isn't up yet (and likely won't be for some time), but Roger's Campground is now accepting Porc Fest reservations for next year. You'll have to prepay for the site and can only make reservations by phone (603-788-4885). They've blocked off the entire campground and motel, all of the cabins, and the first four rows of RV sites for us. If you make your reservation before the end of this month (June, 2009), you'll pay less sales tax ;) Hurry, you've got less than 2 days!
See ya all next year!
P.S. We get a 10% discount on reservations at Rogers and taxes go up July 1st. Call Roger's today to save money reserve your Porc Fest 2010 (June 24th - 27th) motel rooms, tent sites, cabins, or RV sites - 603-788-4885. Mention you're with Porc Fest or they'll tell you they're full! ;)