Jun 11, 2008 19:38
Well, as of today, I've started my latest drudge job. I'm working in the local Sony plant. The hours are 6am-4:30pm M-Th, with the likelihood of mandatory overtime on Fridays. Except this week, when they're doing some repair/maintenance tomorrow, so I only had the one day of work until next week. :P I guess I'll survive - I just need to keep reminding myself that it's only for the summer. Or less, if they don't let me take time off for interviews when the interviewing season starts in July/August. But for now, at least I'll have a 4 day weekend for my muscles to recover? Well, probably my finger joints more than my muscles. And my one finger is developing a blister. And my left wrist is sore from picking up and turning over and over. *whine* :P
Still, it's really frustrating for me that I'm 33 and still doing stupid entry-level crap along with a bunch of 19 year olds. I SO wish I'd had a sense of direction when I was younger. But heck, I didn't even have a sense of Myself-in-relation-to-the-world. I often wonder how much better off I'd be if I'd grown up somewhere I wouldn't have been so socially isolated and had had a group of people I'd fit in with to develop a sense of identity via beyond building an identity out of books, movies, and tv. Which has turned me into the total goody two-shoes boy scout type of person that does so well as a main character, but which most people find totally boring and unconvincing in real life. lol But seriously - feeling like I'm 10 years behind in my life all-around (ie, career-wise and relationship-wise) is enough to bring tears to my eyes if I think about it too much. Sometimes I wonder if there's any point to it.
One good thing about working now - I should start sleeping better once the nights of vivid dreams of doing my new job pass. Without a work schedule, I tend to have trouble falling asleep until late at night, and recently it's been worse due to radiant heat making my room hottest from about midnight-3am. Really, it's hotter then than it is at noon or 6pm. Hopefully needing to go to bed by 11 will mean I'll be able to sleep through the worst of it. Last night wasn't too bad, but then it rained so much yesterday evening that there might not have been as much heat built up.
Hrm... I did say random thoughts, didn't I? Some other little things that have been going on that I haven't felt warranted posts of their own:
I've finally been playing Kingdom Hearts 2. I'm now up to the final boss where Square basically lets you go and do all the little 'completion' stuff beforehand, oh and do some extra leveling while you're at it, because you'll need it! Oh, and that crafting you've been ignoring because it hasn't really been needed? Well, now you need the good equipment that can only be crafted by Moogles after you've leveled THEM up. *sigh* Or maybe my timing just isn't good enough. I get to the next-to-last portion of the last PHASE (of which there are something like 4) before I die and have to continue. :P
Maybe I should take a break and play something else for a while... During that tough-time of sleeping I've been having lately, I've had some dreams of playing.
In Guild Wars, I finally gave in to the gentle teasing of my Alliance members and bought myself a guild hall. Even though I'm the only one in the guild. lol Oh well, it's a nice place to go before exiting the game so I can be sure to load in to a place with no lag. :) Oh, and I did that after getting my assassin some new elite armor that looks like it came out of a Final Fantasy game. lol
I've been going crazy without anything to read. I thought around now I'd be reading 4th edition D&D, but at the last minute I got a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble, so the week before release I ordered online to also get the preorder discount. In the end, I'm getting all 3 books for just $15.06. On the other hand, the books sold well enough that MY order isn't expected to ship until JULY 6th. T_T I've been so looking forward to learning a more in-play friendly D&D. *sigh* Maybe I'll go unbury my packed away books and find my copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales to read in the meantime.
I could've sworn there were some other little things to mention, but I can't think of them right now. Probably because I'm not used to getting up at 4:30am yet. x__X