“But, Lucienne,” you say, “no one wants to see your vacation photos. This is a publishing blog.”
“Ah ha!” say I, “these pics are from the utterly fantastic Cruise with Your Muse writers conference put on by the Florida Romance writers.” That’s right, folks, this was WORK. Hard work. If you look very closely, you might even see me sweat.
Seriously, though, along with the sun and fun of Key West and Cozumel, we had Floridian Idol, where a panel of pros (editors and agents) critiqued the first two pages of submissions on the fly, presentations on promotion, voice, pitching, writing mysteries, conflict…you name it, it was probably covered over the course of the four-day cruise.
Then there was Key West and the Hemingway House, the Lighthouse, shopping, strutting roosters and mitten-footed felines. There was Cozumel and…well, what happens in Cozumel, stays in Cozumel. Mostly, though, there was a lot of wonderful fellowship, support and camaraderie, which are, in a word, priceless.
1- Sunrise
2- Me and
Wanda Ottewell of Harlequin disembarking at Key West
Museum of Art & History4- Very cool banyan tree
Heather Graham,
Kathy Pickering,
Traci Hall and Kristin Wallace at the
Blue Heaven Restaurant6- The gorgeous lighthouse as seen from the
Hemingway House7- Editor Adam Wilson giving a thumbs up to the sign "Hemingway Pissed Here."
8- The aforementioned Hemingway House
9- One of the house's infamous cats
10- Industry News panel with the editors. L to R:
Erika Tsang from Harper/Avon, Eric Raab from Tor/Forge, Wanda Ottewell from Harlequin,
Adam Wilson from Harlequin.
11- Cozumel from the boat
12- Beautiful sunset at sea