Mar 06, 2009 16:15
The munchkin's sick, as is his mommy, so I'm at home taking care of the both of them. I really need to be fixing and designing jigs and making sure that the Pokayoke system stays in decent shape, but I suppose that'll all have to wait until Monday. Joseph was sooooooo not happy at the doctor's office today. Not only was he unhappy to start with - what with being sick and all - but then they swabbed his throat and nose, stuck thermometers in his ears, looked in his ears for infection, stuck Tylenol up his butt, drew blood, and gave him a shot. I probably would have cried, too. In fact, I almost did. Through it all, every time I held him after a procedure he would "bah bah bah"* on my shoulder between tears. The little guy really loves me.
- Zohar S.E.
* "bah bah bah" is a game that we play - usually when he's happy - where we go back and forth saying "aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh" while bobbing our mouths on each other's shoulders so that it sounds like "bah bah bah".