Just fed up

Dec 28, 2006 00:09

Yeah, I fuckin' hate Christmas and all the damn bullshit that fucking goes along with it. People and there merry little fucking "want" lists running around being all fucking needy and shit. Fuck you all and your little fucking exsistance. Get a fucking life or get a hobby, if that does not suit you then just put a fucking gun in your mouth and do us all a fucking favor. No wait, that makes too much of a mess and then some poor schmuck will have to clean up all your mess. Just drown or hang.
I get so fucking tired of your fucking bullshit needs and fucking having to repeat myself. Save your dumb fucking questions for a fucking cop or judge because you were too busy talking on a fucking cell phone and you rear-ended someone. Oh wait, that already happend you dumb fucking bitch last Sunday when you fucking rear-ended me and Amber.
Yeah, just keep talking on your cell phone while driving and almost merge into another car who is NOT talking on a cell phone. Oh wait, that fucking happened to me three fucking times on the way to and from work.
Keep pushing me you fucking world and I'll show you just how sadistic and I can fucking get when I fail to flick my "off" switch. Fuck your dumb little meaningless holiday. Yeah, you were so fucking busy driving your car down the road with your fucking "bling bling" music that you failed to see an innocent little cat try and cross the road and then you crushed it's hind legs and then I had to see it thrashing in the road meowing. I could not help them, but if I would have you doing it you little fuck your life as you knew would end. That cat was a better being than you could ever be you fuck.
I am so tired of people not fucking being adult about shit and being little fucking creatures of a fucking habit. Just end it and go away, cease to exsist and start to rot and then you'll at least be helping mother earth by returning to the potter's ground.
Each passing day I see you for what you are you fucking "civilized" world. You go about your little fucking routines and don't care what happens to anyone else but yourself. You whimper and whine when you don't get your little fucking material possesion when you think you should. Somoene else who some other people fucking care about dies and all you can say is "where is it?". FUCK YOU and realize that your little fucking piece of shit worthless nothing is as insignificant as your waste of flesh body.
We fear the reaper but we create that reaper. Keep pissing off the wrong person and you'll tread hand in hand on the reaper's walk. So take your ten day vaction because it is Christmas and New Year's and make your little resolution. Make the world a better place and cease to exsist, I am a lonely soul in a lost world and all I see are dead people.
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