the visits, they do blur

May 10, 2006 16:43

my brain cells really aren't firing like they used to. for the past month i've only had one visitor-less weekend, and my memories of the events are turning to mush. :p within that small span of time...
  • my new dwarf hamster ebichu has given birth to exactly 0 pupplets.
  • singe has officially moved into a corner of my living room. there are piles of his stuff everywhere!
  • wes and i celebrated our 2 year anniversary. we were supposed to go to morton's but ended up at todai's instead.
  • santoki turned 29 AND got accepted to GWU law, which means he's moving to DC! :O
  • tarepan turned 28 (about time), and i received her "save the date" wedding invite thingie.
  • dukboki99 survived his nose job, brought tons of cheese, bought wes' old bike, and has visited me over 4 times already.
the future brings a great many more things. i have to re-arrange and donate more crap from my closets in an effort to fit all of singe's stuff, plus shop with him for a twin bed and somehow create a semblance of an efficiency style bedroom in my living room. grunters is on a hunt for a new job and with that comes apartment hunting. then too will joe come to search for an apartment. i'll also be in chicago this weekend visiting singe while on a business trip. chicago's new fois gras ban kicks in at 90 days, and time is of the essence. :p

ahh anyway, not only are my brian cells withering to nothing, i find myself easily exhausted. no more forcing myself to do physical activity when i'm feeling hangover-ish nauseated. it pretty much killed my sunday and monday. :p

backtracking a bit, about 3 weekends ago grunters and singe came down for no good reason that i can recall. oh yeah, this was the 2nd of singe's moving trips, but grunters really had no excuse to come pester me, especially when he dared to forget his cheese and soprassata stash. there's an understood food/wine toll at my doorstep. :p

we made do with what we had, which wasn't a problem since i had a huge pile of cheese in my fridge from the week prior anyway. wes seared us up some tuna and tossed veggies, and after we finished half a bottle of wine grunters had brought from... ok i forget, germany?... we hopped into wes' car, dutifully dubbed penbiles, and almost immediately got lost on our drive down to nations for cubik. globugs and diolence weren't too upset with us despite our being over an hour late. :p what followed was a very high energy feel good night that required no alcohol maintenance. we all had maybe 2 drinks at most and globugs none at all, but the breakbeat and house sets kept us moving until 5 in the morning. this was the FIRST time EVER i've seen grunters dancing with less than 6 shots in his system. not only that, he was on fire, hopping to and fro like a manic kerroppi frog! :O actually globugs and wes were both heading into the extreme with their moves, and i was expecting one of them to eventually collapse on the floor twitching. :p after globugs threw in the glo sticks, we picked up food at mario's in ballston, stopped for a short while at globug's pad, then drove all the way back to my place and fell dead asleep.

despite looking insipid, the jpn grocery store hinata serves the best authentic homestyle sushi in the dc area.
i honestly don't remember what happened the next morning except that somehow.. oh wait.. ok wes and i woke up a mere 5 hours later to check out the PACE cat show in laurel, md. some gorgeous beauties out there, my first cat show! we then met up with grunters and went to hinta in bethesda for a quick sushi lunch and magically met up with singe at my place... and then later ended up back at wes' place for hot pot with globugs, amy, and sae rom. a long night of poker ensued, and again we all stayed up until 5am, further battering my aging body until i was thoroughly dead to the world sunday morning. again... no idea what happened immediately afterwards, but singe left early around 2pm to head the call of some craiglist ad repliers for his furniture. the remaining 3 rode our bikes to trader joe's in old town alexandria, watched some volleball at the crystal city courts, and eventually ended up in georgetown to eat at leopold's... and then drove back to silver spring for dinner at red rock canyon. :p ok that was a lot of driving back and forth between MD and VA and a lot of pointless eating. :O

i keep on forgetting to have hot pot when janicu visits. :p chinese grocery store, the great wall, offers the best quality sliced lamb for hot pot.

trio of assorted tea sandwiches, pate, sun-dried tomatoes, and salmon + lox.

fried calamari. very fresh, very crusty, dusted with salt and an herb i can't recall... basil?

they were out of my first two choices for dessert. the linzertorte however was not a disappointment.

grunters selected these from the counter, homemade fruit gellies. mango, kiwi, and raspberry.

oh god i'm sleepy.

vandy, food

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