updated 02.12.2011
So, back to 1917?
There hardly is a chance to post info about all those people who got arrested, convicted or whatever else, just for their political thoughts and general believes, which they posted online or said/showed in some public place. But I will write about few. State now got a very convenient law - against extremism. Not happy with a newspaper article and wrote about that in your blog - extremist. Don't want to vote for United Russia - extremist, telling others the truth - extremist... Easy, huh?
- http://echo.msk.ru/blog/avmalgin/834529-echo/ http://y-tver.com/?art=2150Aleksandr Blinov, 19 years old. Detained by police, when he was giving out pins against Party of Liars and Thieves. Policemen didn't want to show any documents, so he refused to show his either. Which apparently was enough for the arrest. So far with no reason for it, Blinov will be locked for 12 days (so he won't vote) and later on it will be court proceeding.
translation: United Russia - Party of Liars and Thieves. My personal judgment
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http://andrew-lupandin.livejournal.com/79897.htmlAndrej Lupandin. Could not ignore the arrogance of the state newspaper article. And posted it in his blog with a small comment, which cost him lots of troubles.
The article reproached people for having too many goods and still complaining.
Friends, aren't we just spoiled?
I look around and get amazed - everyone is complaining about their lives. This is wrong, that is wrong. Meaning, there is no stability!
Friends! Aren't we just spoiled? If to think seriously, Russian people NEVER LIVED AS GOOD AS NOW. Arguments are well seen around: amount of cars is huge, shops are crowded - everyone is buying full carts. Mobile phone - not a simple one, but with sensor screen! - is owned even by first graders.
I am not even talking about TV-sets - there are few of them in each flat. And what kind - all plasma and LCD. If a person from 2000 suddenly got into a flat of 2011, he would have just gone crazy from happiness. We forgot how bad it was 10-15 years ago.
We already reached the level that salary of 20-25 thousand is considered normal!
Andrej's comment to that was: "So the greatest achievement of people is bought on the bank loans cars, TV-sets, fridges. And only the caste of power has right to get it all for free. Enough feeding the liars - so they reproach us less."
In just some days after it was posted, Andrej found 2 notes by his flat door:
One - from police department of fight against extremism and the second one -by some magic coincidence - from army recruitment office.
http://ser2013.livejournal.com/151802.html 3 -
Click to view
Students who made this song-video against "United Russia" got problems not only in their university, but also police and FSB.
http://navalny.livejournal.com/647449.html?thread=275117081Btw, for more musicvideos of this kind go to my post
http://var-ulven.livejournal.com/4523.html#cutid1 4 - no arrests, but just a rediculous situation:
http://www.echomsk.spb.ru/blogs/EchoSPB/2625.php Click to view
Noted actress Rimma Markova (known also for her negative attitude to the ruling party) was supposed to have meeting with people in Ekaterinburg on the 27th of November at 20.00. At 17.00 there come the news - there is no light in the building where the meeting is planned to be. 17.30 - electricity company informs that no problems with the electricity to the way to the building were found and that it must have been turned off inside the building. But the repair stuff didn't get access to the building. 18.00 police arrives. 19.00 tram traffic is stopped, and on the stops closest to the meeting building some people appeared, telling the arriving crowd that the meeting was cancelled. They appeared to be members of "Molodaya Gvardiya" (
http://www.mger2020.ru/). Supporters of Rimma Markova tried to stop misinformation and started buying flashlights 19.10 Firefighter arrived telling hundreds of people to leave the building because there is fire! Noone leaves, but firefighters. 19.30 Rimma Markova arrives. But her demands to turn on the lights didn't give any result. The hall of the building was taken by force, the meeting started, and ended with no light on. No wonder, that in such situation her talks were more about politics than art...
5 - Throwing snowballs is extremism!
Volgograd (btw, a great city known to everyone by name Stalingrad), first of December, a local man threw a snowball into election-campaign billboard of "United Russia", for what he was detained! Police took him to police station and then searched through his apartment. He was accused of extremism and threatened to be sent to FSB and Center of fighting against extremism... WTF, right?
All this hard work of police is caused by systematic damaging of "United Russia" posters and billboards by some unknown. Yeah, there are no crimes more important.
6 - more students arrests
Алексей ЧЕПА: Полиция должна решить для себя: она защищает закон или Едро?
"Задержание Блинова полицией - это уже просто какая-то истерика власти. Вы на него посмотрите: мальчишка, в два раза меньше этих… полицейских. Его волоком утащили с митинга, на глазах у всей Твери! А он просто ленточки раздавал с медведем! Бред какой то…
Что люди теперь скажут? Спасибо "Единой России" скажут, вы думаете?! Какой у вас, господа единороссы, будет рейтинг, если это при вашей власти снова начали бросать в «воронки» мальчишек-студентов?!
<.....> считаю: полиция должна решить для себя - она защищает закон или ЕдРо? И, если ей второе окажется больше по душе - снять погоны и идти в частные охранники в единороссам. Потому что присягу она давала гражданам России, а не отдельной партии, обиженной на студентов, раздающих ленточки…"
Римма Маркова:
"Я хочу сказать, что Солженицын сказал, а сомневаться, что Солженицын патриот никто не может, поэтому он сказал: «Беда наша в том, что нами правят люди, которые не связывают свое будущее и будущее своих потомков с этой страной. Иными словами говоря, предатели! У нас жить невозможно! У нас люди выживают! Поэтому мне не надо ничего, но я думаю как мой внук, как моя дочь будут жить в этой бандитской стране."