...Latin Camp was awesome. Not that (m)any of you will understand these things, but:
-meeting Laura.
-meeting Robertus/Clunes Maximus/Clunissimus/Billy-Bob/Puer Pessimus/Puer Improbissimus/Puer Molestus/how many frikkin' nicknames did that boy have, anyway?
-meeting Brennus.
-meeting Terentius ipse.
-meeting Guinevera.
-meeting Stephanus.
-hell, meeting everyone who was there, mostly.
-Tua mater!
-Quid sursum, sicari?
-"Sum Fiachra, et habito in Alabama..."
-Red chair, dead chair
-The chair attacked Petrus Barbatus!
-The blood pipe in Patterson
-The attic!
-Andreas' apron
-Pistor feminina =/= pistrix
-Latinitas + Star Trek = Ultimate Geekiness (be very afraid. I was.)
-Ho ho ho
-Dic! Fac!
-Scio, scis, scit...
-Jumping up and down = self-inflicted black eye.
-Petrus Australianus shirtless = HOTNESS (but no threat to you, CJ :D )
-The Sausage Song
-Placet manere in baaaaaalneis!
-Georgeus Cluneus?!
-"Cogita mente, non mentula" --Albertus
-Memorize the whole Aeneid in one day. Ready...go!
-Virgo sum...mane, cur rides?
-And Marcellus thinks *I* make corny jokes?
-"Magnitudo mentulae pendet ex viro" --Robertus Clunissimus
-...Quid sibi vult "Semi-gallus"?!
-Surprisingly, waiters won't understand you if you thank them in Latin.
-Soft-cock exercise doesn't help much.
-I still don't know how to say "walrus" in Latin. This makes translating the Beatles difficult.
-Bonam fortunam vobis exopto, Laura Petreque.
-Try singing "Clementine" to Beethoven's 9th. Or vice-versa. It *works.*
That is all. Unless I think of more, in which case there will be an edit.
Factum'st. And I miss everyone.
[music| Queen--"Bohemian Rhapsody"]