Hetalia Doujinshi~ scan list

Aug 10, 2011 03:31

Hello again, long time no see! As you guys can see I have again some doujinshis what I want to share with you! I just want again make sure what you like to see first! So little poll again! Vote 1-4 doujinshis what look most interesting with it's number and after voting I will start to scan them! 8'DD
All numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 (10 and 12 is missing because it was already scanned and I didn't want to mess up numbers now =u= )

Teh Preview pic lol


Title: Dear...
Circle: Asaboshi http://nokinokinoki.web.fc2.com/
Characters/Pairing: Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, America, France, UK and China
Rating: none
Warning: none
Summary: Russia meets this stranger in forest after he went ran to search letter what he dropped. This stranger start to talk something about people who Ivan knows and  some letters if they would get them from him. (Not so sure but that's how it looks like =u=; )


Title: いくめん2
Circle: Saiin http://hks.saiin.net/top.html
Characters/Pairing: Lithuania/Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Poland and Belarus
Rating: none
Warning: almot nekkid Russia :'DD
Summary: This is continuation for this story where Lithuania finds Russia from his room and he had turned into child. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=17488631 He had now lived little time with chibiRussia thinking when he will change back. Poland visit too to play with them. Soon after this Russia suddenly disappear searching Liet while this was out the house. Now Liet is trying desperately find Russia from city.. Will he find little Russia and what is the thing what he had forgotten from his own childhood?


Title: Triple helical side L
Circle: ergo http://ginko.hiho.jp/ergo/index.html
Characters/Pairing: America/Russia, Lithuania/Russia, Latvia and Estonia
Rating: 18
Warning: Sex
Summary: This is continuation for Triple helical side A what I saddy doesn't have.. Lithuania have pretty much feelings for Russia while this is with America. Even now when Lithuania lives in Americas house Russia haunt him even in his dreams. After some happenings Russia thinks Liets feelings too and they talk about this  next time when they meet each others.


Title: Blue Garden
Circle: UYOKU http://gun.boo.jp
Characters/Pairing: UK/Japan, Spain, Romano, France, Italy, Germany, Prussia, and Canada
Rating: 13-pg
Warning: Little bit blood
Summary: After England and his crew have snatched other ship and it's possessions he found there captured merman Kiku and instantly fell in love with it.


Title: e-roritoxero-rito, we love rorito!
Circle: many artists http://rye.ion.sakura.ne.jp/ http://meteor302.web.fc2.com/ http://araboshi.web.fc2.com/ http://twitter.com/477_477_477
Characters/Pairing: Russia/Lithuania, Japan, Latvia, Estonia, Sealand, America, France, UK, China, Prussia, Greece, Italy and Germany
Rating: 18
Warning: Sex and crossdress and lol tentacles in one page 8D
Summary: There's 4 comics and one fanfic in this book. In first one everybody talk about Lithuania in different sexy clothings and situations(?) |'DDD In second one there just one those days when Lithuania and Russia have sex... Then goes the fanfic. Then third one is very random 4komas. 8'DD In last one Russia get maid dress for Liet and they have sex. Very nice summary yeah... |D


Title: Costume play
Circle: ergo http://ginko.hiho.jp/ergo/index.html
Characters/Pairing: America/Russia, Spain, China, France and UK
Rating: 18
Warning: Crossdressing and sex
Summary: After Hetalia Foolsbath when Spain tell what going on America notice that Russia have disappeared. Russia went back home to undress that embarrassing dress but while doing that America arrives there and want to have some fun with Russia.


Circle: ergo http://ginko.hiho.jp/ergo/index.htm
Characters/Pairing: Japan, Russia
Rating: 13-pg
Warning: Little bit blood and violence
Summary: Russia have arrived in Japan and soon he's in some troubles because he wakes up in hospital's operationroom. There he have hallucinations and he mistakes doctors as a Mongols who have hurted him. When he noticed that even his scarf was gone he paniced and attacked to everybody who were too close to him. Soon Russia still collapsed and doctor chained him in there. Japan hear soon about this and wants to try to talk to him.


Title: 孵ル国 Kaerukuni
Circle: ergo http://ginko.hiho.jp/ergo/index.htm
Characters/Pairing: Japan, Russia, America, Lithuania, Poland, UK, France, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine
Rating: 13-pg
Warning: Some violence
Summary: Not sure but it looks like Russia have got some ilness. Some times later he disappear and people starts to searching him. America and Japan found him in some swamp and after some talking his running away from them again. America got stuck in swamp but Japan continues after Russia. When Russia notice that his coming alone he starts fight with him and it doesn't end well...


Title: 秘蜜
Circle: http://cidertree.x0.com/
Characters/Pairing: Lithuania/Russia, Prussia, Ukraine and Belarus
Rating: 18
Warning: Angst, violence and (possible) character death
Summary: Wrong place and wrong time.. Prussia found place where he can rest without anybody seeing him, but suddenly Russia came with Lithuania in same room too. Luckily they didn't saw him but he saw something what really shocked him. After that there's other story where Lithuania do something what he will regret forever...


Title: a Day on the planet
Circle: Bloody Moi Moi Bus http://karen.saiin.net/~if/cgi-bin/blog/
Characters/Pairing: Germany/Italy, Prussia, France, Japan, Austria and Hungary
Rating:  18
Warning: Cutness and little sexy
Summary: Italy thinks his and Germany's relationship like does Germany too. And what are these little hearts what Prussia finds around house?


Title: Сладкая боль
Circle: Cranal http://cranal.net/russia
Characters/Pairing: Russia/Lithuania, France and Poland
Rating: 18
Warning: Sex and crossdress
Summary: Lithuania gets new maid dress and Russia wants to have little fun with him~.


Title: ______
Circle: Asaboshi http://nokinokinoki.web.fc2.com/
Characters/Pairing: UK, China, Russia, America, France, Germany, Italy and Japan
Rating: none
Warning: Cute chibis~
Summary: China comes late again in conference room but when he arrives, he found there America, France and Russia who are turned into child. Britannian Angel is going madly around again!


Characters/Pairing: France/Seychelles, Italy, Germany, Japan, UK, Russia
Rating: 18
Warning: lots.of.sex
Summary: Not so much to tell here. When Seychelles arrive in W academy he meets her old friend France and they have sex in random places when they have time... =u=;


Characters/Pairing: Russia/Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Prussia, Latvia, Estonia
Rating: PG
Warning: Nothing.. maybe little bit drama
Summary: Lithuania and Russia travel together and talk about old times. Then Russia visits in their old house where they lived during Soviet Union. Everything is still same there after everyone left the house...

There! I hope you found something nice to see!! Voting will stop during next sunday! >u

england, japan, germany, sweden, russia, france, finland, lithuania, italy, hetalia

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