Voting ended so I list them here now by the number what I will scan first:
firts-> 10; 6; 2; 8; 3; 7; 4; 1; 9; 5 <-last
Title: World Conference
Circle: RingoPie
http://appl.web.fc2.com/Characters/Pairing: America, UK, Sealand, Japan, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, S. Korea, China, Austria, France, Sweden, Finland and Hungary (random pairings inside...)
Rating: PG
Warning: Nothing
Summary: Everyone are hyber like always. This was really random so I didn't get story at all..
Title: Happy Halloween
Circle: 10night-1night
http://10ya1.blog43.fc2.com/ Characters/Pairing: Sweden/Finland +Sealand
Rating: PG
Warning: Cuteness, kiss and Sweden's creepy cracked hand
Summary: Finland is preparing for Halloween, but Sweden interrupt him and then there's this little accident.
Title: _________
Circle: AnalyzeM
http://analyzem.web.fc2.com/ Characters/Pairing: Belarus, Lithuania and Russia triangle. Other characters Prussia, Poland and Ukraine
Rating: PG (-13 for drama?)
Warning: Belarus is angsty and Prussia annoy Belarus
Summary: Belarus is now living with Lithuania and Poland. She's thinking her life with Lithuania now but she's thinking her brother too... Looks like this story isn't complite because it's end really unfinished-likely.. let's hope there would be more of this.
Title: Pureness
Circle: Kuromamepack
http://960km.jugem.jp/ Characters/Pairing: HRE/Chibitaly. Other characters Austria and Hungary +some random guys
Rating: R-18
Warning: Shota, sex and Chibitaly begin very girly
Summary: HRE want to go bed with Chibitaly but he doesn't know how to do that. Still problem will be solved. (I'm really not sure, but that's how it's looks like x'D )
Title: ________
Circle: HiidsurukuninoKochakan and Wasabon
http://toj.fairy.ne.jp.toj/ http://wabiko.sakura.ne.jp/ Characters/Pairing: America/Lithuania. Other characters UK, Russia (only quickly Poland, France, Italy, Japan, Latvia and Estonia)
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: America got in accident and and after that Lithuania visit his place and then they remember time when they lived together.
Title: _________
Circle: kanaLia
http://3rd.geocities.jp/kanayol108/knla.html Characters/Pairing: Russia/Lithuania. Estonia and Belarus do quick appearance and Poland is mentioned.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: heavy angst
Summary: Tells about Russia's and Lithuania's life together in same house. Russia have feelings for Lithuania but he always found him thinking Poland. This story doesn't have very much words so it was easy to understand.
Title: Мир Мину
Circle: yonda? wasabi58@live.jp
http://mblg.tv/charas/ http://panier.2.tool.ms/ Characters/Pairing: Russia/Lithuania. Other characters Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, America, France, China, UK, Japan and General Winter
Rating: PG (-13)
Warning: little bit angsty, drunken Russia, scary General Winter and really strange and scary 4komas first.
Summary: There's 2 stories and random 4komas in this book. First random 4komas what scare life out me. Then story abou Russia's birthday. And in last story we see Lithuania knocking Russia's door and when there was no answer he open the door and found Russia very drunk there and he then helps him to his room. There they talk about some things.
Title: ラトビアなのにネザーランドドワーフです
Circle: Mikadsukikansokujo
http://mamemiso.s4.xrea.com/ Characters/Pairing: Russia/bunny!Latvia +China
Rating: R-18
Warning: Shota, sex and over cute pictures
Summary: China calls Russia to visit in his restaurant because he have some special food today. When Russia arrives he found out this special food is bunny!Latvia. Russia found him too cute to eat so he bought it and took it home. There many things happens between them.
Title: Re:recording collection 2008/12-2009/05
Circle: Asaboshi
http://nokinokinoki.web.fc2.com/ Characters/Pairing: America/Lithuania, Estonia/Russia (side pairings: UK/Lithuania[?], Tony/Lithuania, Whale/Lithuania [?], Sweden/Finland, Lithuania/Poland. Other characters Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, China and Sealand
Rating: PG (-13)
Warning: Everyone loves Lithuania!! We can see this lovely baltic here in different dresses. Also very scary story how Tony wants to win Lithuanis love.
Summary: This book is huge! There's 6 stories in it and I knew one of those aleady from Hetalia community before I bought this. Mostly this is about America's and Lithuania's lovely life. Still, some other persons wants to have happy life with Lithuania too. There is also story about Russia's birthday (that one is already scanned in hetalia community) and other story where Estonia and Russia took part in wife carrying competition.
This is one of my fav books~
Title: Hello.Hello.Hello!
Circle: Many artists but the mainstory is by Hinako Seta
http://seta.blog16.fc2.com/ Characters/Pairing: Random pairings. Italy, Germany, Japan, America, UK, France, Russia, Prussia, Hungary, Austria, S. Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Spain, Romano, Joan D'Arc, Greece, Turkey, Holland, Belgium, Canada, HRE, Chibitaly Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, fem!Italy (in fanfiction), fem!Japan (in extrathanks) Australia (in extrathanks) and Monaco (in extrathanks)
Rating: PG (-13)
Warning: Really random crack. Epic things like Pirate!Angel!UK !!! 8DD
Summary: There are many random stories inside this book so I only tell the Main story in the end: After the world conference UK starts fight again with America and France and he's going to use his magic wand. Accidently Japan's pocket watch was in his magics way and suddenly everyone get their own portion of that curse. Only way to fix this problem is to get Japan's pocket watch but he changed back his hikkikomori-age and locked himself away from others. What will happen?!
Damn this book is awesome! My most favourite, I laughed so much when I first time open this x'DD
damn... This took me whole day... maybe I should finally took that damn Swedish-book and start to practise for tomorrows test.... OTL