(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 10:30

Time flies when you're having fun... it's already a week since we got home and you *still* haven't had the holiday update.


Well I have been kinda busy; mostly uni related. I am about to write another paper for which I had the sturcture and research thesis approved. And here we go again, another prof impressed and interested :) *woot* The classes are about Dutch Expansion in the Atlantic area during the 17th century. Lots of WIC, cotton-, sugar-, slavetrade, colonial wars with the Spanish and the Portugese etc. I choose to write about the small dutch settlement Renselaerswijck in North America. It's on the banks of the Hudson in present day Albany. As thesis I will look into the influence of the Dutch Reformed Church on colonial life, directions from the classis in Amsterdam and the power of the clergy over the governor and justices.

Yesterday I performed the longest and most extensive operation on a computer ever. The operation was succesfull and the patient remains on my workbench at home for observation. The user had complained about the fact that while booting the machine it kept booting. I tested it and it was quite funny, after switching on power it would boot till POST, switch off, boot till POST, switch off boot till POST etc. He worked for years with the machine and was used to the fact that it continued succesfully after four or five times of booting. Now in distress he called me when it still hadn't booted after ten times.
I figured that it was a power problem *doh*, so replaced the switch and booted to no avail. Okay, if this is not the switch it must be either mobo or power supply. It's a Packard Bell machine where the power supply is absolutely unreachable. I had to take out DVD, DVD-writer, memory, CPU cooling, HD's and the upperpart of the framework apart to reach the powersupply. After an hour my desk was covered with hardware from the disassembled machine with all pieces wired up to a new power unit. I eventually switched it on and to my amazement all components started buzzing and the thing booted straight away *yahooo*. Lesson learned: the casing of a computer is really utterly useless and stuff will work when not screwed into place...

*this is not good knowledge*

Because for some reason I really don't believe that the cleaneliness and orderliness in our house is going to improve with me knowing this from experience.
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