*Tadumtumtum Tadumtumtum... it's the dreadfully cheery post-GenCon Halloween Bluuuuuueeeees*

Oct 31, 2005 14:31

Today I feel dreadfully cheerfull, a Halloweenish feel combined with a decent post-Gencon dip after a great vacation in the UK and a weekend as good in Leuven with Frosty & Richard... utterly strange... More on the holiday later this week.

So what did we do when we got home yesternight? We played *WoW* with Frosty, Richard and Rob. Rob got us all the headbanging skeleton suit so our five elves had a headbangersball in SW... we drew quite a crowd and had a great laugh. Screenies will be up later. Besides this little WoW escapade I am unlikely to log into WoW much coming time... I prefer my real life thank you very much. Maybe if I have any time left I will play an hour or so...

Anyways before this digital Halloweenfest I found a note to say that I am invited to the Honours Program of Leiden Uni. http://www.honoursprogramme.leidenuniv.nl/index.php3. Add to the cheery Halloweenish post-GenCon dip the feel of intellectual honour: Hoozzaah! Party starts in spring 2006. Now I just need to arrange things. Mental note: request Uni to change the classes from fridaymorning to wednesday... if that is going to happen *not* Anyways I could at least ask if "Sharia and National Law in the Muslim World" or "BA Honours Class History: the West and the World" is going to run in fall 2006 again... maybe I could do them then.

Onto something completely different... roleplay on this pre-Halloween weekend was really really cool I wrote a victorian England story with empirical demons that played like a Sherlock Holmes mystery. This could be due to our vacation earlier and the fact that we brought 2 mp3 CD's with the collected Sir Arthur Conan Doyles audiobooks. It was very well played and I had much fun! *bow to players*
So shame *shame* on all the silly people who seem to think that Roleplay nowadays involves a computer, internet connection and a lvl 60 character with lots of dkp to raid MC *points finger... yes you know who you are* I am getting seriously scared when you answer "I killed such-and-so in Zul Gurub/MC/Scholomance" on my asking "How is life?" I dare think WoW is like masturbating... you imagine you do it with all kinds of people but in the end it's just you alone behind a computer. I really hope that ppl will make time to do something fun tonight with the pumpkin Half brought you from England. Remember: tonight is Halloween... you can play WoW anytime but tonight is *HALLOWEEN*

Let's hope minds are not so numb from playing that it will keep you from going out tonight and do something cool... it's Halloween for chrissake.
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