A bit of random rambling

Feb 05, 2012 08:30

So I'm getting a bit annoyed at myself for not being able to figure out how to work the cut thing... Hm... Ooh, here's a cool button. Let's see if it works.

Can you see this?

Yes, call me strange, but hey, that's just me.

Also, very excited for Season 4 to finally be returning to air on Australian television tomorrow night, starting with episode 4.10. Stupid television channel had to go and skip 4.09, so I had to watch it online.

I'm also super excited to start working on my very first batch of icons EVER for an awesome new icon challenge community:

If that doesn't work out (which it probably won't...) the community is tm_stillsVery very excited and hoping I won't fail too badly... Bit confused as to how and when I'm gonna post my icons, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Um, I'm also working on a handful of different fics, all of which I have hit a brick wall with. Gosh writer's block is annoying. But, I do have a pretty good idea in my head for my next fic, just ironing out the finer details. Yay! And, on top of that, I'm writing more fics which will never see the light of day, but I'm having fun writing them.

So, yes, that's about all of my randomness for now.

P.S. Sorry if some things in this post don't turn out that well, I'm still getting to know LJ. Feel free to laugh at me. I am certainly laughing at myself. I fail at technology.


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