About me, if you care

Jan 20, 2012 12:17

So, a little while ago now, tromana pointed me in the direction of a Mentalist friending meme, which was here...  http://mentalistprompt.livejournal.com/47561.html

I thought I might as well post the questionnaire here as well, to write a little about myself.

Here goes I guess...

General Information

Name/Username: Grace/vanrigsby
Age: Teen
Location: Australia
Links to twitter/FFN/anything else you wish to promote: Hmm... I have twitter, but that's irrelevant here. I'm good with no promotion.

Mentalist Stuff

Favourite Episode(s): Gosh, I have to pick one? Well, in chronological order(so far): Flame Red, Red Rum, Bloodshot, Russet Potatoes, Red Badge, Red Scare, Red Bulls, His Red Right Hand, Throwing Fire, Bleeding Heart, The Red Box, Aingavite Baa, Red Hot, Jolly Red Elf, Blood For Blood, Like A Redheaded Stepchild, Strawberries and Cream (Part 1 and 2), Little Red Book, Blood and Sand... But I love them all!
Favourite Character(s): Van Pelt by a mile. But I love the rest of the team too.
Favourite Guest Character(s): Annabeth (Annie) Lisbon.
Favourite Ship(s): Rigsby/Van Pelt. I don't mind Jane/Lisbon, but I'd rather the whole 'Jisbon' thing stay friends.

Other fandoms

Music: Demi Lovato is my inspiration. I also like Savage Garden, Katy Perry, Reece Mastin and really anything good.
Movies: Hm... Charlie's Angels, Final Destination 1, 2 & 3 (haven't seen the others), Spirit, Camp Rock 2, Just like Heaven, but anything action, adventure, and (most of the time) comedy.
TV Shows: The Mentalist is my life! I like Sonny With a Chance, Bondi Vet, X Factor Australia, Glimore Girls, but I'm pretty easy with what I watch. I'm not too much of a TV person (excluding The Mentalist)...
Other Ships: Hm. I dunno...


Five things you love: Just five? Hm... family, friends, reading, the internet, writing.
Friends Only/Semi Friends Only/Open?: Open, only cause I don't feel the need to use friends only, since I don't have a lot of friends. Hence, the friending meme.
What do you generally post about? The Mentalist, although I don't post stuff a lot. I might start posting a bit more...
What are you looking for in a LJ friend? Someone who can be fun, trustworthy and someone to talk to, especially about The Mentalist. Oh, and someone who gets my sarcasm.
Anything else you wish to say? I live in Australia, so we get The Mentalist episodes a bit later than places like The States. So I HATE spoilers. I think that is all.

P.S. I still can't seem to figure out the cut thing...

about me, meme

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