The God Delusion.

Jan 08, 2007 19:24

So I have been talking about this to a few people (ie, Cassidy, John, Steve, etc). So I thought I would share it with everyone. There has been a lot of controversy going on about this book by Richard Dawkins, one of my recent heros. For people who believe in god, this will probably shock and anger you and you will close your mind off to it. For ( Read more... )

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spiderpirate January 9 2007, 02:49:17 UTC
Being as polite as possible.

Regardless of what one believes (for I'm not one to say "zomg magical poof! people!" either)... there's only ideas with evolution.

Jeff put it best:

I have come to realize over the years that, with great frequency, a single word is often invoked to refer to at least two separate things. This is especially so with the use of the word, "Science ( ... )


spiderpirate January 9 2007, 02:51:11 UTC
Even for a single species to make an evolutionary leap is nearly impossible. Two members of the same species will have to undergo exactly the same changes within the same generation within the same herd being one female and one male in order to pass that evolutionary change off to their offspring... which again would have to continue the same chain. I think people need to take some time to study the complexity of genetics to realize how much of a farce it is. Increasing the timespan for this to occur to "millions of years" greatly increases the odds against such changes happening within the same generation much less the same herd or the same change happening to mates of the species at the same time ( ... )


vanityinvirtue January 10 2007, 19:09:02 UTC
So you are saying that the theory of evolution, which is coo-berated but mountains of evidence is somehow a giant conspiracy theory? I find that rather unrealistic and hard to believe. maybe I am just choosing the lesser of two evils here. But do you think that religion is a far superior option to science?????? Religion which is backed up only by tradition, word of mouth, and ancient scribblings? Scientists have the scientific method. Which, yes, they do follow ( ... )


spiderpirate January 11 2007, 03:09:21 UTC
I never said religion was better.. but they do go hand in hand. YOu are VERY misinformed though about the theory of evolution and your "evidence". My recommendation is to actually LOOK into the observations... find it... THEN post it. I tell you now... you will find absolutely zero facts. I can then show you MANY reports, studies and links that will show how a lot of the experiments that were once THOUGHT to have been steps proving such a thing... failed... how when they revisited these so called theories with new information about the world.. they didn't hold up and they had to recall their belief ( ... )


spiderpirate January 11 2007, 03:13:00 UTC
Here is an example of a science theory spread out as a fact... and later recalled... but the public still holds onto. (this is not my writing.. nor was the one I had in italics before, so while you were referring to it as if it were "mine".. it was not)

When I was growing up I had a deep love for Science. I believe it started in First Grade when my teacher, Mrs. Matthews gave me a book about Science. This love grew as I got older and I desired to make it my motivation in life. By the time my age reached double digits my most loved and primary fields of study were Physics and Cosmology. I had an opportunity around this time to watch a wonderful television show on PBS called "Cosmos." The show was produced and starred as its narrator someone whom I grew to admire greatly, Carl Sagan ( ... )


spiderpirate January 11 2007, 03:13:40 UTC
It's a Gas ( ... )


spiderpirate January 11 2007, 03:15:10 UTC
Geologists now think that the primordial atmosphere consisted mainly of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, gases that are less reactive than those used in the 1953 experiment. And even if Miller's atmosphere could have existed, how do you get simple molecules such as amino acids to go through the necessary chemical changes that will convert them into more complicated compounds, or polymers, such as proteins? Miller himself throws up his hands at that part of the puzzle. "It's a problem," he sighs with exasperation. "How do you make polymers? That's not so easy." - "Life's Crucible," Earth, February 1998, p. 34 ( ... )


spiderpirate January 11 2007, 03:43:06 UTC
amusingly enough a friend posted this:

My biology class rules. The prof told us that since there is no scientific evidence to prove one way or the other how we got here(creation versus evolution) that we will not be discussing it, because that is philosophy, not science. <3

It's true though.. we have no evidence, so you and me will go round and round forever honestly. Thanks for your input and I hope mine gave some different takes on things you're looking into.


vanityinvirtue January 11 2007, 19:53:16 UTC
ugh. do you really expect me to reply to all this? jesus.



spiderpirate January 12 2007, 00:48:19 UTC
Haha.. not at all, just a swarm of info to do with as you please, no response necessary.


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