The God Delusion.

Jan 08, 2007 19:24

So I have been talking about this to a few people (ie, Cassidy, John, Steve, etc). So I thought I would share it with everyone. There has been a lot of controversy going on about this book by Richard Dawkins, one of my recent heros. For people who believe in god, this will probably shock and anger you and you will close your mind off to it. For people who are on the fence or for people who are atheist already, you will find this really liberating.

This documentary and the book sharing the same title is extremely refreshing for everyone that is sick of watching wars being fought in the name of one god or another, and for people who are tired of the brand of religious fundamentalism that is so prevalent in america. And people that are sick of watching children being frightened into believing in god with fire and brimstone and with threats of eternal damnation.

Instead of a fight between good and evil, it seems like a fight between two evils. (to quote Dawkins) And us atheists/agnostics are caught in the middle.

I am tired of being discriminated against because I choose to believe in evolution (scratch that, I don't just believe, I know), which is backed up by tons of evidence and fact, rather than subscribing to a belief in a magical being that lives in the sky that is backed by absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever.

I've had guys tell me they don't want to date me after finding out I am not a christian, I've had roommates and landlords try to kick me out because they "didn't want to be exposed" to an atheist. I've had people tell me that I must have no values because I don't live by some sort of holy book. I am tired of teachers discriminating against me once they find out I am not a christian. I am tired of walking on eggshells around people as to not offend their delicate sensibilities when it comes to the delusion they are walking around in. There is EVIDENCE to back up my views (and every other scientists view) on the universe. Why should I have to hide my lack of faith just to cater to them???? I say I have every right to answer a question honestly when someone asks me what religion i prescribe to WITHOUT FEAR OF DISCRIMINATION. ugh.

I know I am probably preaching to the choir here. It was just really refreshing to watch a documentary that was saying a lot of the things I have been feeling for quite some time.

I used to be a devout christian as some of you may already know. I've read the bible more times than most christians I have talked to, and know more about it than a lot of so called christians I talk to on a regular basis. So please don't preach to me unless you want to have a civilized debate without name calling and ready to present evidence.

OK ok. so let me get to the point. This isn't to change peoples minds or to piss people off, I am posting this up to give other like minded people some encouragement and to possibly give people something to think about. Being an atheist/agnostic in oklahoma can be awfully alienating. So enjoy. :).

These are the links to so you can watch the documentary.

The God Delusion.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

The Virus of Faith (second half of the documentary)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


And don't be afraid to tell me what you think, as long as it is polite and respectful then I am open to talking with you.

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