May 03, 2005 20:58
so im finaly writing a real entry because i have something to say, im frustrated and i need to get it out
i apperently seem to go in and out of peoples life, with little to no effect on them, and once im done i move on
and apperently it doesnt bother them either
i want so bad to make an impact on people, and to have people to want me in their lives, and for them to reach out to me as much as i reach out to them. right now, i have this feeling of..being ignored, and that i have fucked up so badly in my relations with people that they want nothing more to ever do with me ever again. I think because, for a number of reasons, that i am leaving soon and that if people want little to do with me now, when im here, how much contact will i have with them next year, when im in Nashville.
i cant even sorry that im whining