Have you all heard of the
Your Wardrobe Unlock'd Double Period Project? It's a costume competition focusing on two periods, this year it's the victorian natural form era 1876-1882, and the Revolutionary period of 1770-1789.
As you might have guessed I was one of the lobbyists for the revolutionary era ;o)
So having lobbyed I suppose I should fess up and make an entry, right? =)
As it happened I had long planned to make the Kyoto Costume Institute's gorgeous redstriped jacket, so with the DPP in mind I had put it on the list of projects for this year, and it being November now, it's high time to get cracking.
I've secretly worked on some of the accessories already without mentioning the DPP in case I chickened out or never had the time to make it, but now that the jacket will be in the making I thought I might as well make it official ;o)
Here's a rundown of my planned outfit
• Redstriped Jacket
• Gainsborough picture hat
• Sheer striped Petticoat from 2009
• Fichu
• Miniature portait in a black ribbon started
• Cockade
• Stays finished
• pockets finished
• Bum roll finished
I've got the perfect striped silk that I bought in 2009 specificly for this project. Now, where to set my standards - to handsew or not to handsew? Will I have the time to handsew? Will I have the time even with the machine? ;o)