
May 23, 2010 22:25

Title: Coincidence

Author: shasha717

Pairing: Junseung, slight Kiwoon

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Hyunseung found himself attracted to the newcomer, Yong Junhyung.

A/N: My first one-shot ever!

Hyunseung eyed Junhyung curiously from across the room. Junhyung was new to the department. Although new, he made friends easily with everyone. Unlike Hyunseung who needed time to have his friends now. But Junhyung managed to win them over with two days time only.

Not only Yoseob and Kikwang were befriended with him; but Hyunseung wasn’t surprised as those two are the easy-going type. But the laid back Doojoon and the loner Dongwoon also joined in Junhyung’s social circle. Hyunseung himself hadn’t exchanged words at all with the newcomer after a two whole weeks.

Junhyung was quick witted too as he didn’t need a long time to catch up with all the projects and always came up with awesome ideas in the meetings that everyone never think of. He admired the newcomer for his sense.

And Junhyung was quick to catch the attention of the ladies too. CL and Hyunah had been following Junhyung around these days, stalking him at the office, you may say. Yes, the fierce CL and the famous sexy adorable Hyunah. One more like a lost puppy, another like a panther ready to pounce on his prey.

Hyunseung admitted the male was not that handsome, but he was very attractive and his charisma is just alluring. But Hyunseung couldn’t not notice the other’s response when the girls flirted with the male. Maybe it’s just Hyunseung’s mind playing with him but it’s like Junhyung’s face was saying ‘not interested’ and Junhyung has that sour look on his face when CL and Hyunah threw themselves on him. Hyunseung then shrugged off his nonsense thinking and continue to contemplate his gaze on Junhyung.

Actually, it was the thing he was used to do in a whole week. Hyunseung just always finds his gaze directed to Junhyung without he ordered his brain to. Afraid that he’ll be caught staring at Junhyung, Hyunseung then stole glances while making his coffee. He spooned over three more scoop of sugar and added some milk. While mixing them with his spoon, Hyunseung thoughts wandered off more until another voice disturbed him.

“Hey, you. You should stop staring. It’s creepy.”

Hyunseung nearly jumped and choked on his own coffee when he turned to the owner of the voice and stuttered, “I-I’m not staring!”

Yoseob resisted the urge to scoff and rolled his eyes, “Yeah right. Instead of staring you should just introduce yourself. Let me do you a favor.”

Hyunseung’s eyes widened in horror, “What? Hey Yoseob no-!”

But it was too late as Yoseob shouted off across the room, “Yah Yong Junhyung! Come here!”

Hyunseung squished his eyes closed as Yoseob’s high pitched voice caught the dark haired male’s attention and the called person walked towards the two while raising an eyebrow with papers in his hands, “What?”

Yoseob answered with a winning smile, “Someone is dying to know you.” And with just like that the blonde walked off from Junhyung and Hyunseung.

The atmosphere was so awkward. Hyunseung couldn’t help but avoid eye contacts with Junhyung while cursing Yoseob mentally. But the younger snickered and gave out a friendly grin, “I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Yong Junhyung.”

Junhyung gave out his hand for a handshake and Hyunseung slowly took up his hands to shake back. Hyunseung felt the big, warm, comfortable palms around his own hands and blushed a little. “I’m Jang Hyunseung,” He managed to say it with an even voice and solemn face.

Junhyung hesitated a little before deciding to ask, “I don’t mean to be rude. But why were you watching me the whole week?”

Hyunseung swore if he could find a hole he would jump right into it or buried himself on the ground to hide himself from the embarrassment. He felt like a thief that was caught stealing. He felt the red creeping up his cheek and shrieked a little, “What?”

Junhyung just laughed at the response. “Well, it’s not that I mind. Look at me as long as you want to,” he said while heading to his cube and left Hyunseung dumbfounded with his now-cold coffee.

Hyunseung hung his mouth open until he spanked his own forehead with his palm and mumbled to himself, “Great Jang Hyunseung. Way to make a first impression.”

Despite the awkward introduction, Junhyung kept making small talks with Hyunseung after that. Whether about the projects, politics, music, books, even the weather. Hyunseung grinned on the last topic. Weather is just a lame conversation to have. But with Junhyung, they would chat about nothings and debate playfully about nothings. He too found himself comfortable and even attached around Junhyung. Apparently they had the same taste in music and books which made them easily chat to each other. And without wasting time, they are naturally close to each other now. Maybe it’s just Hyunseung being able to enjoy himself and being not so serious around Junhyung or it’s just Junhyung was so easy to be around with.

“You’re awfully close to Junhyung now.” Doojoon commented while taking a big bite on his sandwich.

Hyunseung jerked back from his seat and turned to Doojoon while a tint of pink was visible on his cheeks, “What? I’m just close to him as any of you are.”

Dongwoon cut in, “No. Doojoon’s right. And you two always have those lovey-dovey atmosphere around you guys.”

On the statement, Hyunseung whined, “What? Noooo! Now that can’t be true.”

Yoseob who had been eaves dropping the conversation, joined in, “All of that, you should thank me, Hyunseung. After all, I was the one who brought you guys together.” Yoseob smiled while proudly declaring that he was the cupid of the couple.

Kikwang who is now interested in the topic, took part in the chit-chat, “I must admit, Junhyung is more suitable for you than the jackass before.”

Hyunseung tensed on the words. His smile earlier dropped and decided to play with his fingers while staring at the floor, refused to meet anyone’s gaze.

The three males immediately glared towards Kikwang for bringing up the touchy topic for Hyunseung. Kikwang could only gasp in realization as Doojoon mouthed what he caught as ‘moron’. Yoseob muttered, “Dumb-Kwang” before he shrunk back to his own cube. Dongwoon just sighed helplessly on his boyfriend’s stupidity.

After Kikwang brought up the subject, Hyunseung couldn’t help but think about Seunghyun, his previous lover that had hurt him deep before. Memories started playing back in his mind. Hyunseung let out a big sigh, if not because of throwing Hyunseung away, TOP wouldn’t have his promotion he has now. But his train of thoughts was stopped as Hyunseung felt a light pat on his shoulders and a cold object pressed against his cheek.

Junhyung said smilingly, “Here’s your banana milk, princess.”

Hyunseung couldn’t help but snickered on the pet name, completely forgetting what he was thinking about earlier, “Thank you. But you better stop calling me that or I’ll hate you forever.”

Junhyung just chuckled in response before ruffling the elder’s hair. “I’ll see you later tonight.”

Doojoon, Kikwang and Dongwoon gave each other a knowing look. Hyunseung who noticed the foolish smiles on his friends’ faces gave his deadliest glare to the three after Junhyung left. “What?”

“I’ll see you later tonight,” Doojoon mimicked Junhyung mockingly which earned him a light punch from Hyunseung.

Dongwoon shook his head, “And you called yourselves not close.”

Hyunseung blushed and shrugged his friends off, “Whatever. It’s not like it’s a date anyway. We’re just heading to Joe’s. Besides, I still don’t know if he’s gay or not. Maybe it’s just him being friendly instead of flirty.”

“I know a flirt when I saw one. And just now was definitely one and gay or not, he’s definitely into you.” Kikwang made a fake gasp, “And wow Hyunseung, using alcohol at Joe’s to seduce him is just smart.”

Hyunseung then throw the book in front of him to Kikwang’s head which resulted Kikwang sulking to Dongwoon.

But that does sound like a good idea.

Hyunseung mentally slapped himself as Kikwang pointed an accusing finger to him, and nagged at Dongwoon, “He’s such a meanie!”

“You could stop being such a jerk to him, honey.” Dongwoon smirked and made Kikwang even pouted more. Hyunseung and Doojoon couldn’t help but laugh on the display.

Hyunseung and Junhyung decided to meet up at Joe’s when Junhyung was held up with his report. Hyunseung headed out early to Joe’s which is just across from their office building. He was grinning to himself as Junhyung crossed his mind. He found himself constantly thinking about the younger all the time. Junhyung’s jokes, laughs, smiles, every little bit of Junhyung were all planted everywhere in his head.

Hyunseung bumped into someone and quickly apologized, “I’m sorry-“ His expression darken as his gaze met upon the familiar face.

The deep voice spoke, “Hyunseung?”

“TOP?” A nervous laugh ran out from Hyunseung’s lips. He didn’t expect to see Seunghyun tonight.

“Why did you ignore my phone calls? Why did you shut me down? After that incident, you just treated me just like I don’t exist. I wanted to explain everything!” Seunghyun pulled Hyunseung to his embrace and hugged the male tightly, not wanting to let go.

Hyunseung struggled and broke free from the embrace and hissed, “Don’t touch me.”


Hyunseung turned around to see Junhyung and immediately ran into the younger male and buried his face in Junhyung’s broad chest, not wanting to care about the reaction he’s going to receive because of his actions.

Junhyung was confused, but pleased at the touch; he patted the elder’s head and whispered caringly, “What’s wrong?” By split second, then he just realized they had company. He eyed the other dark haired male who had a grim expression on his face.

“Who are you?” Junhyung asked.

Seunghyun sneered, “That’s my question.”

Hyunseung pulled away from Junhyung and glowered at Seunghyun, “He’s my boyfriend now.”

Just when Seunghyun scoffed in disbelieve at the statement, Hyunseung crashed his lips onto Junhyung’s, which resulted Seunghyun’s eyes widened in horror, realizing that the reindeer boy was not joking.

Junhyung was surprised by the sudden aggression, but kept silent as Hyunseung grasped his arms and pulled him along the road.

Knowing Seunghyun was out of hearing range; Hyunseung quickly said before Junhyung burst out his anger on him, “I’m sorry!”

“You wouldn’t do it without a fine reason. Although I must admit I was surprised,” Junhyung said.

Hyunseung let out a big sigh, “I’m really sorry. You must be weirded out by me now.”

“Don’t worry. It’s just like a surprise birthday party on my lips,” Junhyung remarked, chuckling.

On the comment, Hyunseung’s face became redder and redder and stuttered, “I-I’m not the type who usually does this! It’s just, it’s just…” Hyunseung trailed off, not able to finish his sentence.

Junhyung eyed Hyunseung cautiously, “Want to talk about it?”

Hyunseung immediately shook his head before answering, “I won’t even bother you with the uninteresting history.”

Junhyung nodded and mumbled out an “Oh” sound, not wanting to seem too nosy. “So… Instead of standing in the middle of nowhere, how about we go to my place?”

Hyunseung perked up on the suggestion, “Sure! I’ve never been to your place anyway.”

“Now, that’s the smile I’ve been wanting to see all night.” Junhyung said while pinching Hyunseung’s cheek.

Hyunseung felt like floating to the seventh heaven if it wasn't for Junhyung that poked him to motion Hyunseung to follow.

Hyunseung awkwardly poked his head inside Junhyung's apartment. It was a 3-room-apartment; living room connected to the kitchen, bedroom and a bathroom. Hyunseung examined quietly while Junhyung made space on the couch by grabbing the scattered up magazine and snickered, "Make yourself at home."

Hyunseung sat comfortably on the couch and loving the scent of Junhyung's apartment. It smell like... Junhyung. A scent that was so homey that makes you wanna hug and snuggle. Hyunseung grinned and said with a fake sarcasm in his tone, "Aren't you suppose serve a drink for a guest?"

"Aye aye Sir, hot chocolate coming right up!" Hyunseung heard Junhyung shouted from the kitchen.

Junhyung handed Hyunseung a brown mug with warm puff coming out of the beverage. The elder received the mug with a smile. But his smile was soon replaced with a frown after seeing Junhyung opened up a can of beer. He raised a brow with two hands on his hips, "Why do you get to drink that and I get to drink this?" Yes, hot chocolate is delicious and all but it just seemed so childish compared to Junhyung's.

Junhyung chuckled, "You want this?" He raised the can to the other and tilted his head to the side with a mocking smile.

Hyunseung contemplated for a while but snatched the beer from the younger's hand and he downed the whole thing with determination. Although at first the bitter taste of the alcohol and the burning sensation in his throat made him winced, he drank until the last drop like it made a point; proving he's manly and strong enough to drink it.

Junhyung clapped his hands and faked a wow, “I never knew you could drink.”

Hyunseung stuck out his tongue, “There’s so much you don’t know about me.”

“Then tell me everything,” Junhyung said with a smile spread across his face.

Hyunseung responded with a grin and gave out his pinkie finger, “Only if you promise to do the same.”

It’s eleven, almost midnight and it had been approximately three hours that Junhyung and Hyunseung spent talking. They talked about nothings but everything. They didn’t feel like two strangers telling stories, but rather like two old friends who were catching up with news. But as they chattered, beers were wasted too.

Junhyung had eleven cans and is now opening his twelfth can. Hyunseung had managed to keep up to tenth can; ignoring the headache attack on the count of eighth. Junhyung noticed the other’s half-lidded eyes; it was evident that he was fighting hard to keep them opened, “Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m okay!” Hyunseung waved his hand and glared at the other, “I’m quite a drinker you know!”

When Hyunseung was about to sip his beer again, Junhyung quickly snatched it from his grasp to prevent him from drinking, which made the elder pouted in his adorable way. Junhyung felt his heart fluttered a bit but then shook his head, “You’ve drink way too much.”

“Nothing is way too much~!” Hyunseung sang as he crawled forward that eventually made him top Junhyung on the couch while reaching the beer that was held far by Junhyung’s long slender arms. Giving up, he let himself dropped on top of the younger’s hard chest and snuggled his nose to Junhyung’s chin while humming gleefully.

Junhyung let out a sigh, “Yep, confirmed drunk.” He shoved the reindeer boy’s head away a little before receiving a grunt and stopped. He didn’t dare to move as he felt the other dozed off on him and just decided to pat the elder’s head and stroked the awfully soft brunette hair. He bit his lip while convincing himself not to do anything inappropriate. He wouldn’t take advantage on Hyunseung, no matter how vulnerable he was. Although he must admit bad things to do had crossed playfully in his minds. But if he were to do it, it should be with the sober Hyunseung.

Junhyung is bi, but prefer boys more than girls. Although he dated more girls than he dated boys, he knew he enjoyed chocolate abs a little bit more than the twins of the women. He just sometimes couldn’t handle the high note squealing, the nagging and the worst, the expectation. Men are just… easy. Not complicated, not too much girly feelings, just easy. But with men, it was more one-night-stands. What he has with Hyunseung is special, which he had never had with someone before and certainly doesn’t want this to be a one-night-thing.

Or so he thought, because then Hyunseung’s eyes fluttered opened and yelped at the closeness of their faces and the position they were in. Just before he managed to get up, Junhyung pulled him into a gentle kiss, slowly intertwined their lips together. Hyunseung surpassed his surprise for a split second and give himself to drown into the sweet, addicting taste and with a tint of alcohol indistinctively.

Hyunseung wanted to break free from the kiss, to question what indeed is happening, but how wrong he was to even try to open up his lips, because it allowed Junhyung’s violent tongue for entrance into his own cavern. Hyunseung escaped a moan; pleasured as Junhyung playfully nibbled and tentatively sucked his bottom lip.

When they parted from the kiss and gasped for air, Hyunseung tried to catch his breath and blurted out, “I-I thought you weren’t gay.” He blushed deeply and gazed under to his partner as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, while sitting on the other’s hips.

Junhyung used the chance to flop Hyunseung onto the couch, switching the position from before. Junhyung smirked as he gazed down to his hyung, “If I weren’t, I wouldn’t do this.” He whispered while placing wet kisses along Hyunseung’s jaw line, slightly glazing his tongue around while his hand undid Hyunseung’s button-down shirt, revealing the pale, exposed skin.

Hyunseung brushed his fingers into Junhyung’s small amount of hair, slightly grabbed them as he squirmed in pleasure under the younger’s touch. He tilted his head to the side; easing the other to perform his work as he trailed butterfly kisses along the neck and onto the collarbone.

Realizing he was the only one half naked; Hyunseung wanted to be even. So, he sloppily tried to lift the younger’s shirt but failed miserably on the work.

Junhyung who noticed this, made a halt to his activities; snickered, “You suck.” And decided to do the work himself. He undid his blouse quickly and threw the attire to the side, revealing his hard rock muscles. Hyunseung gasped on the view but managed to put on a pout, “It’s unfair! You undid mine so easily-“ Hyunseung’s words were cut off and replaced with a muffled noise, as Junhyung crashed their lips together.

This time, Hyunseung made an entrance for the other, he parted his lips and Junhyung swiftly slipped his tongue into the elder's mouth. Their tongues danced in the battle of dominance. Junhyung started working his hands down Hyunseung's pants, until he felt Hyunseung’s strong grip on his hands to stop him from his ministrations.

Junhyung opened his eyes, and threw a questioning look to the elder. Only to find the other shivered in fear.

“My first time was horrible,” Hyunseung said softly as he heard his own voice cracked, “He was harsh.”

Junhyung’s eyes widened in horror as he understood the words. The image of the other dark haired male he met tonight crossed his mind and he felt his temper flared, unconsciously clenching his fists. Hyunseung told him everything that night. He knew everything. About Seunghyun. About Hyunseung’s horrible, dark past.

He looked worriedly to Hyunseung while stroked the elder’s soft cheek dearly.

“I’m nothing like that asshole.”

Hyunseung couldn’t help but snickered on the words. He knew Junhyung was no Seunghyun. He took up his hands to wrap them around Junhyung’s neck and pulled him into an embrace and whispered to younger’s ear shell, “I know. But…” He trailed off, couldn’t finish his sentence.

“If you don’t want to, I understand.” Junhyung placed a delicate kiss on Hyunseung’s lips before continued, “I can wait.”

Hyunseung shook his head in disagreement, “No, I want this.” He gave out a sheepish grin after saying the bold words.

A smile spread around Junhyung’s face. He took up the elder in one huff, carrying him with his slender arms. He ignored the protest from the other and silenced him with another kiss instead.

"I feel like a bride on her wedding night," Hyunseung said between the kisses.

Junhyung chuckled in response before whispering to his lover's ear, "I love you."

Hyunseung gasped. "What a coincidence," he said as a smile formed on his lips. "Cause I love you too."

They drowned themselves into another passionate kiss and while doing that, Junhyung maneuvered them into the bedroom, where they perform a beautiful act of making love.

Junhyung entered the elevator of his office building with a foolish grin on his face. Dongwoon and Kikwang stared at him questioningly from his back as he stood in front of them. He hummed happily a tone of a familiar song in their ears.

“You’re in an awfully good mood today, Jun,” Kikwang said.

Junhyung slightly glanced to the behind before answering with a chuckle, “Awesome night.”

The elevator ding, signaling the destination floor and Junhyung bid the two a quick goodbye before they get to question him.

Dongwoon looked to his boyfriend curiously, “Who did he sleep with?”

The answer was never needed as Hyunseung strode into the elevator ceremoniously with the same foolish grin plastered on his face and bringing the weird atmosphere into the elevator. He hummed happily without realizing the stares from the behind. The same song Junhyung sung earlier.

The elevator ding again and chimed together with Hyunseung's giggle, "My floor, gentlemen." He walked out almost with a hop in every steps.

The couple fell into awkward silence, until Dongwoon remarked, "Apparently, sex makes everyone very happy."

Kikwang nodded in agreement, and put his index finger on his lips with a pout, he purred to his lover, "I want one tonight."

A/N: So, I wrote this just to make myself happy. I wrote this up without a storyline so yeah it got pretty messed up. You can see the title has no relation whatsoever to the story. Bear with me as this is the first time writing Junseung. I suck at writing oneshot, it turned out to be very long -____-'

Anyway, comments and critics are much appreciated! ^^

junseung, kiwoon

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