(no subject)

May 12, 2008 13:00

Well, I'm off to Ithaca for the weekend with some friends, so I may be scarce. I will update on the awesomeness of the trip when I get back!

Lots of stuff has been happening, mostly work related. For one thing, I got a raise! Not only a raise, but a substantial one at that (50 cents more an hour). I was so happy when I found out, I'm so glad they all appreciate my hard work.

I really hate packing. I worked until midnight last night, so I didn't have a chance to. I did a rush job this morning, and I just know I forgot something important because I always do. Ah well...

My mom had a great mother's day! It was sad that I had to work part of it, but the part that I did get to spend with her was fun. We went to buy her some flowers in the country and went down to the lake where there was the loveliest vintage shop. I bought far too much there, though, including a necklace for me. My bank account is going to hurt this week, what with the shopping and the trip. I'll just have to economize for next week...yeah, probably not going to happen.

Anyway, I hope I get to talk to you all soon! Expect an update in a couple of days!
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