AHHH! Feels good to get back. Things were getting awfully dark for me, not gonna lie, but getting back into society and their bright, shiny artificial lighting is nice. It's refreshing, in a way. I feel like I can breathe again.
BUT in the same way, there's this looming thing hovering over my head. It's almost a false sense of relief, because truly as time ticks along, things are turning more into an emergency-like state, where I will have to throw away my current lifestyle and move on to a new one. I guess it's something that everyone has to do, but it's just a stressful thing to do. I don't want to do it. I keep shoveling on the denial and procrastination and childish attachments. Moving on with my life is the scariest, most terrible thing that's ever happened to me. But..... I have to do it..... I wish I could freeze time sometimes.....
Aside from that, I'm coming back from my break from the internet, but I'm at a loss for topics. I've been starting alot, but I can never seem to finish them. I'll think of something though. Maybe some more technical things as opposed to the controversial stuff. Like my hot chocolate journal. Those are easier than the ones based solely on opinions. They kind of sound like Wikipedia pages though. Haha. Or a high school essay, that's even worse.
I hope you all had a good holiday. I hate New Years, personally, but most people like it.
ALSO! I found this at my dads over the holidays. It was a coloring sheet I drew for my baby sister and she colored it. It's pretty adorable. She loves coloring pokemon pictures. She did a pretty good job of sticking to the real colors, I have to say. She picked which pokemon she wanted. (Can you imagine me trying to figure out how to draw a Natu and a Lapras together? Haha)