(no subject)

Feb 24, 2004 01:27

well, i'm failing history with flying colors. 64%, heh.
but okay, in my defense, i don't care about history.

i think i need a better defense.

or maybe i need to pull my shit together and get my grade up to a decent level. but i just can't get past the point of not giving a flying fuck, and that dampens my mood when it comes to studying and whatnot. i missed a test on friday which i will most likely have to make up sometime this week. didn't read any of the chapters, so maybe i should do that. perhaps. but i still don't care.

i drove home with flag poles sticking out of my sunroof today because sam decided to haul her colorguard shit home with us. that was fun; got some interesting looks. and a few laughs as we were leaving the parking lot and they shifted position as we went over a speedbump. sigh, such is my life.

have i mentioned that my chemistry grade is almost as bad as my history one? yeah, i'll pulling a clean 68% in there. what the holy hell is wrong with me?

it's not my fault that i just don't give a shit.

yet somehow i have a 100% in german. i can't remember the last time i did any work for that class. *ponders intently* ...yeah, no, definitely can't remember. sometimes i forget that it's even a class. i just sort of zone out. why can't chemistry be like that? or history. either way.

but anyway, my plan was to pull one of those lovely all-nighters and catch up on some of my chem work. and quite possibly read my history chapters. but i've been sitting here trying to make myself work for two hours and i'm most definitely... still sitting here. strange how that works.
although i did manage to organize my photography portfolios that are due tomorrow. all i have to do in class is matte my photos. that should be easy, so score one for mads. if i'm keeping score. with myself. i'm not entirely sure yet. but if i decide that i am, i get a point.

when does it get to the point where my life has meaning? i need a purpose. this is just ridiculous. sitting here trying to determine how many kilojules of energy are required to take water from ice to vapor. i mean i just don't see how me doing this is going to do anything for anyone anywhere. it's certainly not helping me out with anything. who the hell cares what a kilojule is anyway? (and if you do, please speak up. i need someone to help me get excited about it.)

tiffany told me today that she thinks our souls are very similar. and that our views are the same, except she has a voice and i don't. like she speaks enough for both of us. and i just... i don't know how i feel about that. i tend to think that it's not a good thing. i think people would be surprised if they found out, by some strange accident, that i have a voice. i think i'd scare the shit out of everyone.
that'd be kind of funny. maybe one day i'll try that.

...or not, whatever. and i still don't care about history.

i just noticed that the font i just used to type the description for one of my portfolios is the same one used for the customer service statement on my bag of french vanilla milanos. i bet that's a sign of something. something cookie-related and brilliant. i don't know what though.

squishy gateway cow sends his love to all of his adoring fans.

and now i really think i need to either sleep or work. and i'm thinking too much to sleep, so i guess i'll try to work. or at least sit here and contemplate working. that's almost working, so i'll give myself half a point.

my entries suck so much ass.
[i want to learn to be profound.]
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