What's cookin', good lookin'?

Jul 02, 2012 20:00

The house is pungent with the aroma of collards cooking. Until last year, I'd never sampled collard greens, but when I got a bagful at the food bank and Mb cooked them up for us, I discoverred I'm a fan. This is my first attempt at cooking them on my own, so...fingers crossed!

Once they show signs of being done, I'm going on to phase two, which is rustling up some cornbread to go with them. Mmmmm! And since I know I have A Lot of it, I may cook up some rice, too. Starchy, I know, but at least it's real food and I don't make a habit of that often enough, so I'm trying to encourage it.

Or maybe some black-eyed peas, I've got lots of those, too....


vegetables, cooking, food

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