First of the month -- Progress report

May 01, 2012 14:22

For starters, I'm 284 as of this morning. My reunion is a scant seven weeks away, and I'm hoping I can drop another 10 pounds between now and then. Being laid up because of my foot didn't help my progress, now it's getting to the season where my pores are starting to leak. Summer, guh!

I'm trying to decide what I'm going to wear to the event...I don't want to buy anything; I have tons of clothes as it is. The fact that most of my pants are quite baggy doesn't help. It's a Good Thing in terms of visible progress, but not so good in terms of having to spend money to replace old reliables with new, smaller items. Which leaves skirts? A dress? OMG, shoes?! What shoes do I have that are drop-dead? *wibbles* Because I cherish the small, forlorn hope that the love of my life will appear and be smitten....

Got caught up on the last couple eps of "Missing", and so far, everything I surmised has either been correct, or will probably be proven so ere long. I still don't really care about Ashley Judd one way or another, but regular Sean Bean for the win! Ditto Cliff Curtis! (And that guy playing Giancarlo ain't exactly a troll, either.)

Last night, I had an odd sort of dream, where SO came over to ask me about how to cook a big beef roast that he had. I told him he needed to start roasting at 500F for the first half-hour to sear it, then reduce the heat to 350F for the rest of the cooking time, total cook time 20 minutes per pound. (IDK where I came up with these numbers, but they sound about right.) He left, carrying his roast in a cardboard box, and I went back to what I was doing, setting up a rib roast that I was concocting.

Still in my dream, I tried to think of where I'd heard about the technique I was attempting, which consisted of carving the roast off the ribs, putting the ribs in the bottom of the roasting pan,arched side up with the roast atop the arch. Bobby Flay, I thought, on Worst Cooks in America.

I woke up and realized immediately that in fact it wasn't Bobby Flay, it was Roger Mooking from Everyday Exotic, it was supposed to be a caraway-crusted pork roast, and while I'd managed to separate the ribs from the roast, I'd left out the marinade/glaze stage. Ooops. My cookery show geek is showing.

Joyful Beltane to those who celebrate. Happy May Day to the rest of you.

Blessed be.


dream, clothes, chs reunion, cooking, weight loss

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