Question du jour

Mar 01, 2012 18:45

Who or what is your fashion icon?

Auntie Mame. Partly because Rosalind Russell was divine, partly because I adore the character of Mame Dennis. She manages to be both stylish AND eccentric---can't top that, IMO. She's not afraid to reinvent herself periodically. She marches to her own drummer, although in her case, it's more along the lines of shimmying to her own sitar player.

Mame is complex, running the gamut from being scatter-brained to being extremely focused. She's vain enough to lie about her shoe size, generous enough to endow an orphanage. She'll call a bigot on his bullshit, risk her life on horseback to save face with the man she loves, and change her hair color and decor simultaneously. She's always fabulous.

Mame can do classic without ever making it look frumpy, boring or old. She can also pull off flamboyant---kimonos, saris---and I'm certain that if she was around today, she'd give corsets a shot. She always finds a way to make whatever she wears work for her (with the exception of a certain pair of riding boots). She's stylish without being a slave to trends.

That's something to aspire to.


question du jour

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