Strange dream

Jul 01, 2011 13:25

Had a very odd dream this morning: I was staying in Melbourne for some reason, in a big house with a lot of other people. (At least one of them was acting like an extra special snowflake and really getting on my nerves.) I'd just gotten back from an outing with the snowflake and others, was being pestered by some insufferably chatty, perky wench. I went back outside, thinking I'd get in my car and go some place where I could have a little peace for a while.

As I was standing on the front steps, a long black spaceship like something out of 60s sci-fi passed right overhead, heading for Melbourne airport. It was flying so low that it almost grazed the top of the building across the street. I commented to a couple gals on the stoop next door on how close it had come.

Then it hit the runway obliquely---I could see it from maybe a half-mile away---it was deflected and on fire. It pitched and rolled to a point well to the north and east of my position, where it exploded. Cue fireball. (US1/Eau Gallie area or thereabouts.)

A lot of people from the neighborhood got on a bus, I'm not sure if they were going to the crash site or trying to get away. I opted to go inside, where it had quieted down, and watch news reports. Two of the other people staying in the house came into my room with me as I turned on the TV, but as long as they weren't the snowflake and didn't babble too much, I didn't mind.

I know---there are strange things in my head.

dream, sci-fi

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