To sleep, perchance to dream

Mar 22, 2011 08:10

Last night, I was in bed before midnight. My sleep schedule has been really messed up of late, so maybe now it'll settle back to something like normal.

Dreams...there was something about being at an airport, laden down with suitcases and bags and things, and having to go over and set it all down on a table and sort through it. There were things like, half a big bottle of shampoo, clothes that didn't fit, things I didn't need---in other words, a metaphor for decluttering and the journey of my life.

Shortly after that, I was driving on a dark road with only a red light in the distance. I got to my distination, which was some kind of community center. Everyone was very grim; there had been some kind of radiation exposure, which I hadn't known about. Some people looked at me like I was crazy for coming back.

There was only enough medicine for about half the people. When the leader (a Jason Robards-type---apparently my subconscious was recalling "The Day After") offered me a piece of paper, I declined. I wasn't going to apply for a chance at the meds, I was going to take my chances since I hadn't been there when it happened.

Clearly, the news from Japan is freaking me out, but wtf?!



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