(no subject)

Mar 16, 2011 19:11

Right now, I'm just trying to stay awake. Between the time change and the dogs next door, I had maybe four hours of sleep last night, but I know if I nap now, I'll be up til 6AM again. I'll actually be in bed by midnight tonight.

Meeting with J this morning/afternoon, got a couple calls to make tomorrow. Also "borrowed" her soldering iron to modify the pieces I'm using to attach the "Bat Thing" hanging to the hanger. I should get it done this evening, somewhere between Criminal Minds and Justified.

Got a laugh out of J---the cell phone I got last month doesn't get signal at my house. I stuck it in my purse to carry around with me. The battery died. I stuck it on the charger, but it wouldn't come on. I was ready to march into WalMart and raise a fuss about what a crappy phone it was. J looked at it, pressed a button, and POOF! It worked. Apparently, I'd managed to turn it OFF. I'm glad she was amused. Since my $30 worth of minutes were wasted for three weeks, and I can't afford more, I'm not so happy. But at least it works.

I also left my dead laptop with her, in hopes she can resurrect it. Not holding my breath or stressing about it, since I've had its non-functioning self for about three years now.

Tried to load some new tunes onto my MP3 player last night. No such luck.

Technology is not my friend.

j, technical difficulties, technology

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