
Mar 16, 2011 01:20

There's a bag of costume jewelery I got from Kat, and one of the things it had in it was a little plastic shamrock. Last year, I misplaced it, and found it, of course, two days AFTER St. Pat's. This year I was determined to accessorize with it, so while FX was rerunning last week's Justified, I went rummaging through the strata atop my cedar chest.

I eventually located the bag with the shamrock, so I can wear it over to J's tomorrow---we're having a meeting to discuss some potential dogs---but that wasn't all I found. In addition to plenty of stuff I hadn't been looking for, I also ran across 11 cans, my second Cacique bra (which at this point is a whole lot more robust than the other one), my MP3 player---I've been going crazy looking for that!, a LeSnobbi change purse, still in the box, and my copy of Whoever Fights Monsters, memoirs of one of the FBI's pioneers of profiling.

Of course, I now have a mess of stuff piled on my bed, which will undoubtedly be moved BACK onto my cedar chest so I can go to bed, but hey, I found some missing shit. Life is good.

bedroom, found!, clean house

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