(no subject)

Mar 13, 2011 18:40

Between yesterday's catatonia and Daylight Saving Time kicking in, it was nearly 6AM when I finally fel asleep, and then my alarm was set for 9:20, which was a joke, as I kept hitting the snooze alarm til 10:10. Guh.

Church was very interesting, though. Professor Michael Moriarty (No, really!) gave a talk entitiled "His Story, Her Story, the Irish Story" which was enthralling. I was quite put out when he was asked to rein it in so that we could end the service and have hospitality. Very often when it's a guest speaker, I'm all, "Will this fool shut up so we can eat?" because some of said imported speakers are talkative windbags.

The thumbnail version: The history of Ireland is as convoluted as Celtic knotwork.

Came home and napped, not surprisingly. Dreamed, more weirdness, but I don't remember details.

Last night as I was meandering about in the wee hours, I changed out the tablecloth in the dining room. Much as I love the retro one, it's in need of laundering---the dish garden keeps overflowing every time I water it, and le retro was looking a bit under par. So, for the time being, the table is being protected by a fresh-out-of-the-bag vinyl covering, which I've had for ages. It was still in the bag because I got it on clearance and couldn't even get at the table to clear it off. Clearly, I've made progress.

In fact, there are not one! Not two! But three---THREE! chairs clustered around my little round dining table: A folding chair, a rolling chair and one of the two chairs it came with. The other chair it came with is parked beside the front door with a long rectangular mirror propped on it to give me something resembling a full-length mirror.

I also went around and assimilated all my DVDs. Or at least all the ones I could find. My copy of "The Trouble With Angels" is STILL MIA, which annoys the crap out of me; I want to watch it again. I really need to work on (Note recurring theme here) clearing off the low bookcase from the office. It's destined for the living room, because my current DVD storage is woefully inadequate. Which is going to mean moving furniture. Oh, joy.

Anyhoo, I'm still alive and well....

dining room, dvds

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