A very productive day

Feb 21, 2011 16:32

I am absolutely certain that, if I die of natural causes, it'll be between 3:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon. That's the hour when I most want to curl up in a little ball and hibernate, so it follows that The Big Sleep would be the ultimate afternoon nap.

I'm particularly feeling it today, because last night, that goddamned dog next door was barking until 4AM. I swear, I was ready to make a peanut butter sandwich, go over there, feed it to him, and while his mouth was mortared shut, wrap duct tape around his jaws so I could get some sleep.

So, I ended up getting maybe, at a generous guess, five hours of sleep before I romped over to the food bank. I had neither food nor caffeine before charging out the door, Because it was late---they close up shop at 10:30, and it was 9:30 when I zoomed out of here. Worth it---I got some stew beef, and two kinds of cheese, some egg noodles, bagels, canned goods---it's hard to say which is better, getting there early, when there's more choice, or late, when they want to get rid of stuff and give your more. I could've had four bags of bagels, if I'd wanted, but I don't have enough room in the freezer and even I can't consume THAT many bagels.

After that, by prior arrangement, I went over to J's. I have a very steeply sloping driveway, which makes cleaning out my car a major pain in the behind. J has a nice, flat space where I could park and fling...it took an hour for the trunk and another hour for the passenger seat and the passenger side back seat, and that was all I had the energy for. By 2 PM, I was beat.

Got two full black bags into her dumpster (another handy feature of J's place), rounded up a whole bag of cans and inhaled three pieces of pizza at J's invitation (at 2---the rest of the backseat can wait for another day). As usual, there was a certain amount of "That's where that went!", and I could've been more ruthless, but compared to the "Before" condition, when the crap on the passenger side was UP TO the seat, actually more like a 2-inch layer atop the seat---I could actually accomodate a passenger now!

(Honestly, the car shouted "I am a hoarder!", and I was acutely aware of it when that cop shined his flashlight in at me the other night. That was the tipping point, no pun intended.)

This also gives me room to traffic cans to the recycling center. I have the bag of cans from the car, another full bag in the office, and a few partial bags I need to finish filling. I'm missing Kat again---this time her handy-dandy minivan, which held A LOT of cans.

DID remember to drop off library books on the way home, go me!


j, car, clutter, food bank

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