Slow Saturday

Jan 15, 2011 23:30

Tweaked the dining room some more today, moving tchotchkes around. I've now got my Fiestaware displayed on the shelves in the dining room, and the shelf they were on in the white cabinet is now harboring cans that were in the tote on the kitchen floor. My kitchen floor isn't booby-trapped any more! (I broke at least one toe on that red tote.)

Swept tree fallout from the driveway when I went to look for mail. Our harsh December weather caused leaves and pollen to drop, and it's made finding the side of the driveway---a parking guideline---rather difficult of late.

I did a load of laundry---all my favorite pants were grubby---and while that was going around, I worked on a necklace I've been assembling, featuring a medallion I acquired on an excursion with ThunderBunny many moons ago. I was industriously engaged in that when the doorbell rang.

It was ang5fam bearing cookies. Yay, cookies! Apparently my mention of my mom's baking rituals inspired her, and she blessed me with some of the surplus.

Very good cookies, just the right balance of crunchy and chewy and oh-so-buttery! As soon as I was finished with my project, I took the cute little cookie tin back to where I could cuddle up with my latest book, and they were gone within the hour. Thanks again, honey!

Not huge progress, but progress nevertheless!


dining room, laundry, cookies, clean house

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