Captain Ahab, Desperado and Justified, oh my!

Jan 15, 2011 00:34

So far, I agree with the assertion that states whatever you spend the first day of the new year doing is what you'll be doing all year long---because I've spent A LOT of time running around with Mb. Lots of drama on the Captain Ahab* front---a relative with nefarious motives, a doctor who seems to have taken the Hypocritical Oath rather than the Hippocratic...oh, it's Interesting Times, all right, but definitely tl;dr for anyone who's not directly involved.

I've been maintaining my vegetative state, helped by Mb's fondness for Golden Corral and its proximity to the Captain's nursing home of the moment. (He's supposed to be returning home next week, knock wood.) Salad before the meal, veggies with the meal, and another plate of tuna and pasta salad on a bed of salad greens. Modest plates at that; Mb complained of being stuffed on the way home; I was happily full, not uncomfortably so. I consider that progress!

Did pizza and a movie with J Thursday evening---I showed her "Desperado" and we split a pepperoni and mushroom pizza with extra cheese. (Another reason I went heavy on the greens today, since tomato sauce and mushrooms does NOT a serving of veggies make.) Ah, that was a blast from the past! Between that and OUaTiM, I wrote upwards of 100,000 words in the Mariachi fandom. Had ideas for many more, but the Muse, drunk on tequila and seduced by pistoleros, went MIA sometime in 2004. Not unlike my SPN muse, which wandered off last year and has only sent a couple of sporadic postcards since.

However, in the next couple of weeks, we've got White Collar and Royal Pains coming back, and Justified. *swoons* I am *SO* looking forward to that, especially since I got spoiled for some casting that made me deliriously happy. Now, I'm not going to name names, but I WILL point out that a lot of Olyphant's Deadwood co-stars showed up in season one. That hint, combined with what you may know about my predilictions, will probably allow you to make an educated guess. *Cheshire smirk*


* For readers who may be playing catch-up, "Captain Ahab is the nomme-du-blog of Mb's SO's dad, who used to be a mariner, and whose house is FULL of lighthouse collectables.


captain ahab, j, mb, ouatim

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