Fickle, me?

Nov 23, 2010 23:50

Mb just called and invitied me to T-day dinner. Apparently she and her other guests need some help consuming the 25 pound turkey she got. Plus the four boxes of stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green bean casserole, deviled aggs, relish tray, cheese, apple slices and PIES*.

I agree---a total of four people aren't going to make much of a dent on a bird that size. I can help them with that! She also said bring Tupperware, which I can certainly do. So I'll bake the ham a day or so later, it's not going anywhere.

She's estimating dinner around 4 PM, which doesn't disturb my parade and dog show watching plans. And since the other guests are her VERY Christian step-parents, I'm reasonably sure that drama will be at a minimum, unless I helpfully chime in with "So mote it be!" at the conclusion of grace.

I wouldn't do that---I want to make it through to the end for leftovers. Ulterior motive much, me? Maybe, just a smidge.


* Also peas, but since I don't DO peas, I'm not going to be any help with that.


missybrat, food, mb, thanksgiving

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