Surprises and my subconscious

Nov 05, 2010 20:15

It rained all day yesterday, and I had a digestive upset pretty much all day. Had to make a caffeine run, and just scooted up to WinnDixie...didn't even feel like going the extra mile-and-a-half to WalMart...two school zones in that distance, and just NO.

Got back with some cheap sustanence and checked my mail. Was momentarily puzzled by the sight of a puffy manila envelope in my mailbox. I couldn't think of anything I'd ordered, other than that skirt last month, and I've had that for a while. The return address told the tale: It was from dine, though I still couldn't imagine what it was.

Got it open and discovered THIS:

which I'd recently lusted after while it was listed on eBay. I'd written it off as pie-in-the-sky, and was astonished and thrilled that it landed in my mailbox. Thanks again, Dine!

Of course, now I need to summon the energy to clear off my dining table so I can install it. Wasn't up to it yesterday, and I'm still lethargic today; I got up, had breakfast, took a shower and washed my hair (as they're predicting ultra low overnight temps tonight and I badly needed a good scrub), watched The Dog Whisperer, and fell asleep for another 3.5 hours. A sleepless night tonight is a foregone conclusion.

Had some odd dreams in the course of said nap: First one was of running into Jensen Ackles, who was in a stage version of "Rocky Horror", and wearing a Riff-Raff wig: Long, scraggly, thinning. He reminded me that we'd met before, around Christmas-time, something about bowling with his sister? IDK. I hadn't wanted to bring that up, as he meets so many people, and I thought it would seem gauche. But he remembered me, and we chatted plesantly and made plans for a get-together at a later time.

The other was something about being in a building that was partially used as a church. Something about selling a set of Barbie-type fashion ice skater dolls on eBay to settle some debts that Castiel was really responsible for. (The girl doll was blonde and wearing a glittery red ensemble, the male doll was wearing something that looked like Chippendales Go to the Icecapades.) He didn't seem to think it was a big deal, but I was exasperated because they were worth a lot more than a hasty auction was going to bring in. The owners were making a sacrifice for him, and he was indifferent. I left and went up to the second floor. I planned to go up to the attic, where I had a sanctuary, but I realized several people from the church had seen me, and I didn't want them to follow me to the attic and find it, so I went into an open room where I could say I'd gone up for the view from the window there.

Here's hoping I feel better over the weekend so I can make progress on the dining room....


dream, ebay, health, gift!

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