Today has been fruitful

Oct 27, 2010 16:10

I didn't even turn on the computer this morning, just got dressed (zebra print suit and gold blouse) and got going.

First stop: library, where I took care of $1.40 in fines and checked out the new Sharon McCrumb and the last Dick Francis (and son). Good times ahead.

I took the route through the village---growled a bit at the slooow idjit in the Buick ahead of me---they got out of my face, finally, and then I got a huge shock when I discovered they leveled the old city hall. They leveled the old post office and built a big, vulgar new city hall on the site a year or so ago, but I'm stunned that they didn't repurpose the old one. Yes, downtown always needs parking, but---my inner architecture slut is devastated.

Went to a branch of my bank to make a deposit, and the teller very kindly offered me a free bottle of chilled water---it's a warmish afternoon, about 85F---so I accepted with thanks.

From there, I hit the Entenmann's day-old bread store. Because I am trying very hard to make better food choices, I didn't get any actual Entenmann's products, instead getting a loaf of Health Nut bread and two jumbo packs of Sandwich Thins (Both are by Arnolds).

I haven't shopped at Publix much lately, but there's one not far from the bread store, more or less on my way home, so I stopped in there and got the usual staples, and some Morningstar Farms spicy black bean patties. Them, on the Sandwich Thins with a bit of mustard and maybe a slice of swiss cheese? Mmm, nomnomnom!

Returning home with my loot, I was alarmed to see a tag hanging from my front doorknob. "This is never good," I said to myself as I approached it with trepidation. It turned out to be from the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: "Please Help Prevent Exotic Fruit Fly Outbreaks in Florida". Basically, they've placed a fruit-fly trap on my grapefruit tree. Hey, at least they're not trying to get money out of me or turn off a utility.

I got an email from GK, saying she got me a subscription to Entertainment Weekly. A nice surprise! I may glance at it from time to time, but very seldom do I buy it. Per her, it was to help a Girl Scout who was selling subscriptions; in my day, we just sold cookies---at $1 a box.

Now, y'all are up to date on my fabulous life. Thrilling, huh?


errands, food, architecture slut

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